Green Party
| Not currently in parliament
Green Party
| Not currently in parliament
I'm standing for the Green Party because I believe that everyone, including the disabled community, has the right to live a good life. Only the Greens will take bold action on climate, protecting nature and rebalancing wealth so everyone has what they need. I am asking for your party vote, so we can get more Green MPs in parliament and shape a government that puts people and planet first.
As a person with a lived experience of disability, I intrinsically understand many of the barriers that disabled people and other communities of disadvantage face and want to ensure their voices are heard. However I am not seeking to be your electorate MP. I am asking you to give your party vote to the Green Party so we can create a fair, inclusive Aotearoa that works for everyone.
Not currently in parliament
Full-time parent
Central Lower Hutt
Not previously in parliament
Did not stand
I'm standing for the Green Party because I believe that everyone, including the disabled community, has the right to live a good life. Only the Greens will take bold action on climate, protecting nature and rebalancing wealth so everyone has what they need. I am asking for your party vote, so we can get more Green MPs in parliament and shape a government that puts people and planet first.
As a person with a lived experience of disability, I intrinsically understand many of the barriers that disabled people and other communities of disadvantage face and want to ensure their voices are heard. However I am not seeking to be your electorate MP. I am asking you to give your party vote to the Green Party so we can create a fair, inclusive Aotearoa that works for everyone.
Not currently in parliament
Full-time parent
Central Lower Hutt
Not previously in parliament
Did not stand
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Each part of the country is represented in Parliament by an electorate MP. We've asked every candidate about their priorities for your community and why they deserve your vote.