Whangārei electorate

Whangārei is currently held by Labour's Emily Henderson, who won by a narrow margin of 431 – one of the smallest margins in the country. Henderson is not standing again in 2023. In 2020, Labour won the greatest share of party votes in Whangārei – 47% to National's 26%.

Angie Warren‑Clark

Labour Party

| List MP

Angie Warren‑Clark

Labour Party

| List MP

Why I'm standing

I'm a two-term Labour MP and I want to continue to serve. I'm standing in Whangārei, returning to my Northland roots. I believe in the value of community service to ensure our people and environment are thriving. I'll work hard to continue the progress Whangārei has made under Labour! I'll focus on advocating for Whangārei while holding true to my values of equity for all.

About me

I've served as a MP for two terms. I understand how to get things done and the role of MP. I've got good collaborative relationships across parliament and understand the workload. I grew up in Northland – I know Whangārei needs strong economic, environmental, cultural and community focused leadership. I bring that – having worked continuously in the public and NGO sectors. I've volunteered and still run my own (building) business with my husband.

My priorities
  1. Support families with the cost of living: lower inflation, lift wages, focused financial help.
  2. Invest in infrastructure; more houses, new roads, hospital, rail spur and classrooms for Whangārei.
  3. Support us to thrive: a safe, healthy community and environment, a welfare buffer, and warm dry homes.
Candidate list rank


Current role

List MP

Before politics

GM Tauranga Women's Refuge


Kauri / Tikipunga



Year entered parliament


2020 result

Did not stand

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Why I'm standing

I'm a two-term Labour MP and I want to continue to serve. I'm standing in Whangārei, returning to my Northland roots. I believe in the value of community service to ensure our people and environment are thriving. I'll work hard to continue the progress Whangārei has made under Labour! I'll focus on advocating for Whangārei while holding true to my values of equity for all.

About me

I've served as a MP for two terms. I understand how to get things done and the role of MP. I've got good collaborative relationships across parliament and understand the workload. I grew up in Northland – I know Whangārei needs strong economic, environmental, cultural and community focused leadership. I bring that – having worked continuously in the public and NGO sectors. I've volunteered and still run my own (building) business with my husband.

My priorities
  1. Support families with the cost of living: lower inflation, lift wages, focused financial help.
  2. Invest in infrastructure; more houses, new roads, hospital, rail spur and classrooms for Whangārei.
  3. Support us to thrive: a safe, healthy community and environment, a welfare buffer, and warm dry homes.
Candidate list rank


Current role

List MP

Before politics

GM Tauranga Women's Refuge


Kauri / Tikipunga



Year entered parliament


2020 result

Did not stand

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