Party vote


New Zealand’s economy weathered the Covid-19 pandemic and its aftermath better than most, but that success came at the cost of higher inflation, exacerbated by global supply shortages and other factors. The Reserve Bank has tightened monetary policy in a bid to restrain spending and price rises, pushing the economy into recession for the first time since 2010, excluding the Covid-19 lockdown period. While both major parties agree on the need for restraint, who should bear the burden of recovery? And in what direction should the economy grow?


New Zealand’s economy weathered the Covid-19 pandemic and its aftermath better than most, but that success came at the cost of higher inflation, exacerbated by global supply shortages and other factors. The Reserve Bank has tightened monetary policy in a bid to restrain spending and price rises, pushing the economy into recession for the first time since 2010, excluding the Covid-19 lockdown period. While both major parties agree on the need for restraint, who should bear the burden of recovery? And in what direction should the economy grow?

Key policiesAgricultureBusiness supportEconomic development and industryFisheriesForeign investmentForestryGovernment revenue and financeOil, gas and miningRegional developmentTourismTrade and exports

  • End all climate taxes, subsidies and regulations

    Maintain restrictions on genetic modification

    Encourage oil and gas exploration

    Give regions a greater say in government spending

    Introduce tax on foreign house buyers and local buyers with three or more properties

    Oppose the introduction of a digital currency

    Oppose all new taxes

    Make the first $20,000 of income tax free

    Replace Working for Families with child tax credits

    Adjust income tax brackets for inflation

    Reduce taxes over time

    Reduce government spending by 10 percent

    Re-establish the Marsden Point oil refinery

  • Make the first $30,000 of income tax free

    Introduce a wealth tax

    Increase taxes on companies

    Introduce tax on foreign companies

    Tax undeveloped land

    Introduce tax on vacant houses

    Ban oil and gas exploration

    Ban the use of synthetic nitrogen fertiliser by 2025

    Fund Māori farmers to transition from emissions-intensive farming

    Fund Māori owned community energy projects

    Cancel all debt owed to MSD

    Ban seabed mining

    Expand coverage of ban on mining in conservation land

    Develop a national Māori strategy for renewable energy and clean technology

    Phase out industrial coal burning by 2030

    Bring agricultural methane emissions into the emissions trading scheme

    Increase tax on income over $300,000

    Oppose research or commercialisation of indigenous plants without whānau, hapū and iwi consent

    Oppose genetically engineered food

    Increase intellectual property protections for indigenous seeds

    Establish entity to enforce Māori rights and access to food

    Create a contestable fund to support community food production and distribution

    Set aside more urban and rural land for farming

    Provide scholarships for young people to study food science, marine biology or agriculture

    Fund regenerative and organic farming training

    Support the creation of Māori supermarket chains

    Support people selling home grown food at the community level

    Ban freehold land sales to foreign investors

  • Remove GST from fruit and vegetables

    Continue renewable energy funding partnership with BlackRock

    Invest in the growth of the Māori food and fibre export sector

    Prioritise investment in infrastructure, science and innovation

    Continue pursuing new trade deals

    Support indigenous tourism opportunities

    Build a second bridge over the Ashburton River

    Remove tax depreciation for commercial buildings

    Protect Māori commercial and customary fishing rights

    Protect indigenous intellectual property rights in trade agreements

    Increase the top trust tax rate

    Increase venture capital funding for agritech

    Continue to fund research and development of technology that reduces agricultural emissions

    Continue programme that supports horticulture technology businesses

    Maintain plan to price agricultural emissions from 2025

    Support small businesses to make digital upgrades

    Continue incentive schemes for movie and video game developers

    Reform the research, science, and innovation system

    Maintain tax rebate for business research and development

    Establish new research centres focused on tech, climate change, and pandemics

    Review the international visitor levy

    Focus tourism ad campaigns on high-end tourists

    Continue to support regional skills groups

    Make apprenticeship support payments for businesses permanent

    Conduct a trade mission to India in the first 100 days

    Trial business mentorship programme for women on low and middle incomes

    Establish a Minister for Just Transitions to oversee the transition to a low emissions economy

    Invest $300 million in NZ Green Investment Finance to support emissions reduction

    Prioritise climate change in research and development

    Introduce mandatory reporting requirements for agricultural emissions

    Reward on-farm emissions sequestration

    Set separate targets for gross emissions reductions and carbon dioxide removals

    Establish a centre to train renewable energy workers

    Provide grants for low-emissions heavy vehicles for freight

    Develop artificial intelligence plan

    Limit the amount of exotic carbon afforestation caused by the emissions trading scheme

  • Develop the Dargaville Aerodrome

    Make Northport a key port of entry for Auckland

    Adjust income tax brackets for inflation

    Hold a select committee inquiry into removing GST from fresh food

    Consider reopening the oil refinery at Marsden Point

    Build a dry dock at Northport

    Ensure the Tiwai Point aluminium smelter stays open

    Exempt aquaculture from coastal management policy

    Prioritise the procurement of NZ-made aluminium

    Oppose introducing emissions pricing for agriculture

    Support standardised farm-level emissions reporting

    Incentivise emissions reduction technology using funds intended for overseas carbon credits

    Continue to support Farm Environment Plans

    Require forestry harvesters to clean up slash

    Recognise on-farm forestry in the Emissions Trading Scheme

    Prohibit the use of foreign direct investment for converting farms to forestry

    Continue to support Jobs for Nature programme

    Create a fund for regional infrastructure

    Review funding model for Crown Research Institutes

    Increase funding for NZ Export Credit Office

    Prioritise a free trade agreement with India

    Require the use of wool rather than synthetic fibres in government procurement

    Provide legal support to wool exporters

    Allow live animal exports

    Require animal welfare advisory committee to have 50 percent farmer representation

    Make Pāmu Landcorp a Crown Entity

    Establish a government spending cap

    Provide a rates rebate to people over 65

  • Make the first $15,000 of income tax free

    Provide a universal basic income by 2030

    Introduce a tax on urban residential land

    Share all GST revenue from new residential building with local councils

    Extend the in-work tax credit to all children

    Cancel all debt owed to MSD

    Create a visa to encourage workers to regions other than Auckland

    Increase tax on income over $180,000

    Reduce tax on income up to $80,000

    Create a 30-year infrastructure plan

    Reform infrastructure funding system

    Remove the requirement for the Reserve Bank to focus on maximising employment

    Reduce barriers to foreign investment

    Increase tax credits for research and development

    Increase funding for startups

    Allow small businesses to accelerate depreciation for tax purposes

    Reform regulations for genetic editing and modification

    Reform regulations for artificial intelligence

    Require children to be signed up for Kiwisaver at birth

    Review Kiwisaver contributions for self-employed people

    Remove GST from rates

    Provide grants to small businesses for digital upgrades

    Provide incentives for farmers to adopt more sustainable land use practices

    Exclude new forestry from the emissions trading scheme

  • Establish a national infrastructure agency

    Negotiate partnership agreements with local and regional governments

    Create a 30-year infrastructure plan

    Adjust income tax brackets for inflation

    Revert the bright-line test for tax on property sales to two years

    Standardise infrastructure funding process for councils at their debt limits

    Fund infrastructure projects using levies on land improved by the project

    Reform cost recovery rules for electricity transmission infrastructure

    Allow more genetic editing and genetic modification

    Establish a dedicated biotechnology regulator

    Continue joint venture with businesses for reducing agricultural emissions

    Introduce a pricing system for agricultural emissions by 2030

    Review methane emissions targets

    Make on-farm carbon sequestration eligible for units in the emissions trading scheme

    Restrict the conversion of farmland to exotic forestry

    Remove two agricultural regulations for every one introduced

    Publish assessments of the cost of new agricultural regulations

    Establish panel to review agricultural regulations

    Reduce duplication of information requests for primary industries

    Increase the cap on seasonal workers

    Explore increasing the number of countries eligible for the Recognised Seasonal Employer scheme

    Relax rules for agricultural workers on the Accredited Employer Work Visa

    Prohibit using foreign direct investment for converting farms to forestry

    Allow more activities on highly productive land

    Limit the scope of wetlands protections

    Relax stock exclusion rules

    Relax drinking water standards in some rural communities

    Delay requirement for farmers to obtain resource consents for winter grazing

    Replace winter grazing rules with catchment-level rules

    Allow live animal exports

    Build a four-lane highway between Whangārei and the Port Marsden highway turnoff

    Prioritise funding social services that have the biggest long term impact

    Build a four-lane road to bypass Hope in Nelson-Tasman

    Start building a second or improved bridge over the Ashburton River within three years

    Upgrade roads in the Queenstown area

    Upgrade road bridges in Otago and Southland

    Prioritise road projects in disaster-affected areas

    Ensure that businesses making less than $60,000 are exempt from GST

    Reduce spending on non front-line services by an average of 6.5 percent

    Stop support for companies' emissions-reductions projects

    Continue to fund green investment finance

    Replace foreign buyer ban with purchase tax for houses worth $2 million or more

    Require online gambling services to register in NZ for tax purposes

    Remove tax depreciation for commercial buildings

    Stop funding certain workforce development and regional employment initiatives

    Repeal the Conduct of Financial Institutions Act

    Reverse changes to the Credit Contracts and Consumer Finance Act

    Upgrade Waiau-Toa/Molesworth trail into a Great Walk

    Install e-bike charging infrastructure on the NZ Cycle Trail

    Require DOC to make concession decisions for tourism businesses within one year

    Raise upper age limit for working holiday visas to 35

    Allow additional working holiday visas for people in sectors with worker shortages

    Abolish median wage requirements for work visas

    Create a fund for promoting regional tourism events

    Extend 90-day trials to businesses with 20 or more staff

    Remove most consent requirements for building water storage on farmland

    Remove most consent requirements for expanding commercial fruit and vegetable production

    Set targets for approving new fertilisers, pesticides and other chemicals for horticulture

    Relax rules for employers in the Recognised Seasonal Employer scheme

    Ensure meat producers have access to halal butchers

    Remove consent requirements for creating wetlands

    Create visa for recent graduates from top universities

    Create a visa for workers from major tech companies

    Create a 'digital nomad' visa

    Establish a minister for technology

    Consider changing tax rules for startups

    Prioritise signing a free trade deal with India

    Pursue free trade deals with the Gulf Cooperation Council and the Pacific Alliance

    Aim to reduce the impact of non-tariff barriers

    Publish annual reports on the performance of major government initiatives

    Provide taxpayers with annual report on government spending

    Simplify anti-money laundering requirements for businesses

    Reverse the ban on offshore oil and gas exploration

    Amend tax and foreign investment laws to encourage build-to-rent housing

    Increase the retirement age to 67 from 2044

    Index benefits to the consumer price index rather than to wages

    Speed up consent process for wood processing facilities

    Consider making wood processing eligible for emissions trading scheme credits

    Remove consent requirements for new forestry

    Tighten slash management rules

    Involve the forestry industry in policy development

    Repeal the Log Trades and Forests Advisers Act

    Encourage forestry exports

    Plant trees on public land with low conservation or farming value

    Increase penalties for biosecurity breaches

    Establish a minister for space and advanced aviation

    Create a prize to encourage interest in aerospace

    Replace ministerial approval requirements for space launches with launch criteria

    Establish two testing zones for space and advanced aviation

  • Make the first $10,000 of income tax free

    Introduce a wealth tax

    Increase taxes on companies

    Introduce a price on agricultural emissions

    Fund climate adaption and resilience measures

    Ban new mining on conservation land

    Use proceeds from the visitor levy for conservation and biodiversity projects

    Ban new extraction of fossil fuels

    Create a national food strategy

    Support indigenous agricultural practices

    Offer farmers financial support to transition to sustainable agricultural

    Require supermarkets to provide fair contract terms to food suppliers

    Ban synthetic nitrogen fertilisers over time

    Ban palm kernel expeller

    Increase funding for indigenous forests

    Uphold Treaty rights in relation to indigenous forests on public land

    Reform the emissions trading scheme to reduce the use of forestry offsets

    Increase controls on plantation forestry

    Require forestry operators to pay compensation for logging debris

    Support local wood-processing

    Ban products sourced from illegally logged forests

    Set limits on nitrogen in waterways

    Implement a fair system for commercial water allocation

    Continue public review of trade policy

    Promote climate change response initiatives through international institutions and trade

    Work with unions, employers and Māori to transition to a low emissions economy

    Prioritise the Māori economy in developing low-emissions jobs

    Transform Rau Paenga into the Ministry of Green Works

    Provide training for careers in clean energy

    Expand and strengthen protected marine areas

    Ban seabed mining

    Ban set netting and dredging by 2028

    Increase fishing restrictions in the Hauraki Gulf

    Strengthen limits on fisheries bycatch

    Require cameras on all commercial fishing vessels

    Focus regional development spending on sustainable and iwi and hapū led economic activity

    Prioritise buying goods and services from NZ businesses

    Support low-emissions industries

    Strengthen competition laws

    Expand digital connectivity in rural areas

    Implement a right to repair for consumer products

    Increase the landfill levy

    Protect taonga species in their natural habitats

    Support the development of local food economies

    Implement the recommendations of the Holidays Act Taskforce

    Establish an ocean commission to provide advice and set targets for marine systems

    Create a fund for developing mātauranga and tikanga-based ocean management tools

    Establish an independent science advisory group for marine research

    Expand marine protected areas to cover 30 percent of NZ's oceans

    Ban bottom trawling in some marine areas and phase out set netting and dredging

  • Tie NZ's carbon price to that of our trading partners

    Grant carbon credits for wood products that store carbon for at least 50 years

    End subsidies for commercial forestry

    Introduce a two-rate income tax system

    Provide tax refund using emissions trading scheme revenue

    Allow live animal exports

    Abolish Significant Natural Areas

    Share half of GST revenue from new residential building with local councils

    Halt contributions to the NZ Super Fund

    Halt government contributions to the Venture Capital Fund

    Index superannuation to the consumer price index rather than average wages

    Abolish existing forestry programmes

    End various business support and R&D programmes

    Sell Landcorp and use proceeds to fund conservation on private land

    Partially privatise various state-owned enterprises

    Exempt investors from OECD states from foreign investment rules except for residential land investments

    Abolish all tariffs

    Abolish fair pay agreements

    Remove a public holiday

    Extend 90-day trials to businesses with 20 or more staff

    Make regional councils responsible for freshwater management on farms

    Allow farmers to offset all on-farm sequestration from their emissions liability

    Reform resource management laws to reduce restrictions on private property

    Replace fuel taxes with user-pays road pricing

    End tax exemptions for charities and religious groups

    Introduce a market-based system for managing water pollution

    Introduce a pricing system for water allocation

    Restrict employees' remedies in the personal grievance process

    Create additional funding options for local government to upgrade their water infrastruture

    Expand water supply exemption to include suppliers of fewer than 30 users

    Reverse the ban on offshore oil and gas exploration

    Set a target for economic growth

    Bar contractors from challenging their employment status in the Employment Court

    Remove Easter trading laws

    Require annual leave to be calculated on a pro-rata basis

    Reform the Credit Contracts and Consumer Finance Act

    Simplify anti-money laundering compliance requirements

Key policiesAgricultureBusiness supportEconomic development and industryFisheriesForeign investmentForestryGovernment revenue and financeOil, gas and miningRegional developmentTourismTrade and exports

  • End all climate taxes, subsidies and regulations

    Maintain restrictions on genetic modification

    Encourage oil and gas exploration

    Give regions a greater say in government spending

    Introduce tax on foreign house buyers and local buyers with three or more properties

    Oppose the introduction of a digital currency

    Oppose all new taxes

    Make the first $20,000 of income tax free

    Replace Working for Families with child tax credits

    Adjust income tax brackets for inflation

    Reduce taxes over time

    Reduce government spending by 10 percent

    Re-establish the Marsden Point oil refinery

  • Make the first $30,000 of income tax free

    Introduce a wealth tax

    Increase taxes on companies

    Introduce tax on foreign companies

    Tax undeveloped land

    Introduce tax on vacant houses

    Ban oil and gas exploration

    Ban the use of synthetic nitrogen fertiliser by 2025

    Fund Māori farmers to transition from emissions-intensive farming

    Fund Māori owned community energy projects

    Cancel all debt owed to MSD

    Ban seabed mining

    Expand coverage of ban on mining in conservation land

    Develop a national Māori strategy for renewable energy and clean technology

    Phase out industrial coal burning by 2030

    Bring agricultural methane emissions into the emissions trading scheme

    Increase tax on income over $300,000

    Oppose research or commercialisation of indigenous plants without whānau, hapū and iwi consent

    Oppose genetically engineered food

    Increase intellectual property protections for indigenous seeds

    Establish entity to enforce Māori rights and access to food

    Create a contestable fund to support community food production and distribution

    Set aside more urban and rural land for farming

    Provide scholarships for young people to study food science, marine biology or agriculture

    Fund regenerative and organic farming training

    Support the creation of Māori supermarket chains

    Support people selling home grown food at the community level

    Ban freehold land sales to foreign investors

  • Remove GST from fruit and vegetables

    Continue renewable energy funding partnership with BlackRock

    Invest in the growth of the Māori food and fibre export sector

    Prioritise investment in infrastructure, science and innovation

    Continue pursuing new trade deals

    Support indigenous tourism opportunities

    Build a second bridge over the Ashburton River

    Remove tax depreciation for commercial buildings

    Protect Māori commercial and customary fishing rights

    Protect indigenous intellectual property rights in trade agreements

    Increase the top trust tax rate

    Increase venture capital funding for agritech

    Continue to fund research and development of technology that reduces agricultural emissions

    Continue programme that supports horticulture technology businesses

    Maintain plan to price agricultural emissions from 2025

    Support small businesses to make digital upgrades

    Continue incentive schemes for movie and video game developers

    Reform the research, science, and innovation system

    Maintain tax rebate for business research and development

    Establish new research centres focused on tech, climate change, and pandemics

    Review the international visitor levy

    Focus tourism ad campaigns on high-end tourists

    Continue to support regional skills groups

    Make apprenticeship support payments for businesses permanent

    Conduct a trade mission to India in the first 100 days

    Trial business mentorship programme for women on low and middle incomes

    Establish a Minister for Just Transitions to oversee the transition to a low emissions economy

    Invest $300 million in NZ Green Investment Finance to support emissions reduction

    Prioritise climate change in research and development

    Introduce mandatory reporting requirements for agricultural emissions

    Reward on-farm emissions sequestration

    Set separate targets for gross emissions reductions and carbon dioxide removals

    Establish a centre to train renewable energy workers

    Provide grants for low-emissions heavy vehicles for freight

    Develop artificial intelligence plan

    Limit the amount of exotic carbon afforestation caused by the emissions trading scheme

  • Develop the Dargaville Aerodrome

    Make Northport a key port of entry for Auckland

    Adjust income tax brackets for inflation

    Hold a select committee inquiry into removing GST from fresh food

    Consider reopening the oil refinery at Marsden Point

    Build a dry dock at Northport

    Ensure the Tiwai Point aluminium smelter stays open

    Exempt aquaculture from coastal management policy

    Prioritise the procurement of NZ-made aluminium

    Oppose introducing emissions pricing for agriculture

    Support standardised farm-level emissions reporting

    Incentivise emissions reduction technology using funds intended for overseas carbon credits

    Continue to support Farm Environment Plans

    Require forestry harvesters to clean up slash

    Recognise on-farm forestry in the Emissions Trading Scheme

    Prohibit the use of foreign direct investment for converting farms to forestry

    Continue to support Jobs for Nature programme

    Create a fund for regional infrastructure

    Review funding model for Crown Research Institutes

    Increase funding for NZ Export Credit Office

    Prioritise a free trade agreement with India

    Require the use of wool rather than synthetic fibres in government procurement

    Provide legal support to wool exporters

    Allow live animal exports

    Require animal welfare advisory committee to have 50 percent farmer representation

    Make Pāmu Landcorp a Crown Entity

    Establish a government spending cap

    Provide a rates rebate to people over 65

  • Make the first $15,000 of income tax free

    Provide a universal basic income by 2030

    Introduce a tax on urban residential land

    Share all GST revenue from new residential building with local councils

    Extend the in-work tax credit to all children

    Cancel all debt owed to MSD

    Create a visa to encourage workers to regions other than Auckland

    Increase tax on income over $180,000

    Reduce tax on income up to $80,000

    Create a 30-year infrastructure plan

    Reform infrastructure funding system

    Remove the requirement for the Reserve Bank to focus on maximising employment

    Reduce barriers to foreign investment

    Increase tax credits for research and development

    Increase funding for startups

    Allow small businesses to accelerate depreciation for tax purposes

    Reform regulations for genetic editing and modification

    Reform regulations for artificial intelligence

    Require children to be signed up for Kiwisaver at birth

    Review Kiwisaver contributions for self-employed people

    Remove GST from rates

    Provide grants to small businesses for digital upgrades

    Provide incentives for farmers to adopt more sustainable land use practices

    Exclude new forestry from the emissions trading scheme

  • Establish a national infrastructure agency

    Negotiate partnership agreements with local and regional governments

    Create a 30-year infrastructure plan

    Adjust income tax brackets for inflation

    Revert the bright-line test for tax on property sales to two years

    Standardise infrastructure funding process for councils at their debt limits

    Fund infrastructure projects using levies on land improved by the project

    Reform cost recovery rules for electricity transmission infrastructure

    Allow more genetic editing and genetic modification

    Establish a dedicated biotechnology regulator

    Continue joint venture with businesses for reducing agricultural emissions

    Introduce a pricing system for agricultural emissions by 2030

    Review methane emissions targets

    Make on-farm carbon sequestration eligible for units in the emissions trading scheme

    Restrict the conversion of farmland to exotic forestry

    Remove two agricultural regulations for every one introduced

    Publish assessments of the cost of new agricultural regulations

    Establish panel to review agricultural regulations

    Reduce duplication of information requests for primary industries

    Increase the cap on seasonal workers

    Explore increasing the number of countries eligible for the Recognised Seasonal Employer scheme

    Relax rules for agricultural workers on the Accredited Employer Work Visa

    Prohibit using foreign direct investment for converting farms to forestry

    Allow more activities on highly productive land

    Limit the scope of wetlands protections

    Relax stock exclusion rules

    Relax drinking water standards in some rural communities

    Delay requirement for farmers to obtain resource consents for winter grazing

    Replace winter grazing rules with catchment-level rules

    Allow live animal exports

    Build a four-lane highway between Whangārei and the Port Marsden highway turnoff

    Prioritise funding social services that have the biggest long term impact

    Build a four-lane road to bypass Hope in Nelson-Tasman

    Start building a second or improved bridge over the Ashburton River within three years

    Upgrade roads in the Queenstown area

    Upgrade road bridges in Otago and Southland

    Prioritise road projects in disaster-affected areas

    Ensure that businesses making less than $60,000 are exempt from GST

    Reduce spending on non front-line services by an average of 6.5 percent

    Stop support for companies' emissions-reductions projects

    Continue to fund green investment finance

    Replace foreign buyer ban with purchase tax for houses worth $2 million or more

    Require online gambling services to register in NZ for tax purposes

    Remove tax depreciation for commercial buildings

    Stop funding certain workforce development and regional employment initiatives

    Repeal the Conduct of Financial Institutions Act

    Reverse changes to the Credit Contracts and Consumer Finance Act

    Upgrade Waiau-Toa/Molesworth trail into a Great Walk

    Install e-bike charging infrastructure on the NZ Cycle Trail

    Require DOC to make concession decisions for tourism businesses within one year

    Raise upper age limit for working holiday visas to 35

    Allow additional working holiday visas for people in sectors with worker shortages

    Abolish median wage requirements for work visas

    Create a fund for promoting regional tourism events

    Extend 90-day trials to businesses with 20 or more staff

    Remove most consent requirements for building water storage on farmland

    Remove most consent requirements for expanding commercial fruit and vegetable production

    Set targets for approving new fertilisers, pesticides and other chemicals for horticulture

    Relax rules for employers in the Recognised Seasonal Employer scheme

    Ensure meat producers have access to halal butchers

    Remove consent requirements for creating wetlands

    Create visa for recent graduates from top universities

    Create a visa for workers from major tech companies

    Create a 'digital nomad' visa

    Establish a minister for technology

    Consider changing tax rules for startups

    Prioritise signing a free trade deal with India

    Pursue free trade deals with the Gulf Cooperation Council and the Pacific Alliance

    Aim to reduce the impact of non-tariff barriers

    Publish annual reports on the performance of major government initiatives

    Provide taxpayers with annual report on government spending

    Simplify anti-money laundering requirements for businesses

    Reverse the ban on offshore oil and gas exploration

    Amend tax and foreign investment laws to encourage build-to-rent housing

    Increase the retirement age to 67 from 2044

    Index benefits to the consumer price index rather than to wages

    Speed up consent process for wood processing facilities

    Consider making wood processing eligible for emissions trading scheme credits

    Remove consent requirements for new forestry

    Tighten slash management rules

    Involve the forestry industry in policy development

    Repeal the Log Trades and Forests Advisers Act

    Encourage forestry exports

    Plant trees on public land with low conservation or farming value

    Increase penalties for biosecurity breaches

    Establish a minister for space and advanced aviation

    Create a prize to encourage interest in aerospace

    Replace ministerial approval requirements for space launches with launch criteria

    Establish two testing zones for space and advanced aviation

  • Make the first $10,000 of income tax free

    Introduce a wealth tax

    Increase taxes on companies

    Introduce a price on agricultural emissions

    Fund climate adaption and resilience measures

    Ban new mining on conservation land

    Use proceeds from the visitor levy for conservation and biodiversity projects

    Ban new extraction of fossil fuels

    Create a national food strategy

    Support indigenous agricultural practices

    Offer farmers financial support to transition to sustainable agricultural

    Require supermarkets to provide fair contract terms to food suppliers

    Ban synthetic nitrogen fertilisers over time

    Ban palm kernel expeller

    Increase funding for indigenous forests

    Uphold Treaty rights in relation to indigenous forests on public land

    Reform the emissions trading scheme to reduce the use of forestry offsets

    Increase controls on plantation forestry

    Require forestry operators to pay compensation for logging debris

    Support local wood-processing

    Ban products sourced from illegally logged forests

    Set limits on nitrogen in waterways

    Implement a fair system for commercial water allocation

    Continue public review of trade policy

    Promote climate change response initiatives through international institutions and trade

    Work with unions, employers and Māori to transition to a low emissions economy

    Prioritise the Māori economy in developing low-emissions jobs

    Transform Rau Paenga into the Ministry of Green Works

    Provide training for careers in clean energy

    Expand and strengthen protected marine areas

    Ban seabed mining

    Ban set netting and dredging by 2028

    Increase fishing restrictions in the Hauraki Gulf

    Strengthen limits on fisheries bycatch

    Require cameras on all commercial fishing vessels

    Focus regional development spending on sustainable and iwi and hapū led economic activity

    Prioritise buying goods and services from NZ businesses

    Support low-emissions industries

    Strengthen competition laws

    Expand digital connectivity in rural areas

    Implement a right to repair for consumer products

    Increase the landfill levy

    Protect taonga species in their natural habitats

    Support the development of local food economies

    Implement the recommendations of the Holidays Act Taskforce

    Establish an ocean commission to provide advice and set targets for marine systems

    Create a fund for developing mātauranga and tikanga-based ocean management tools

    Establish an independent science advisory group for marine research

    Expand marine protected areas to cover 30 percent of NZ's oceans

    Ban bottom trawling in some marine areas and phase out set netting and dredging

  • Tie NZ's carbon price to that of our trading partners

    Grant carbon credits for wood products that store carbon for at least 50 years

    End subsidies for commercial forestry

    Introduce a two-rate income tax system

    Provide tax refund using emissions trading scheme revenue

    Allow live animal exports

    Abolish Significant Natural Areas

    Share half of GST revenue from new residential building with local councils

    Halt contributions to the NZ Super Fund

    Halt government contributions to the Venture Capital Fund

    Index superannuation to the consumer price index rather than average wages

    Abolish existing forestry programmes

    End various business support and R&D programmes

    Sell Landcorp and use proceeds to fund conservation on private land

    Partially privatise various state-owned enterprises

    Exempt investors from OECD states from foreign investment rules except for residential land investments

    Abolish all tariffs

    Abolish fair pay agreements

    Remove a public holiday

    Extend 90-day trials to businesses with 20 or more staff

    Make regional councils responsible for freshwater management on farms

    Allow farmers to offset all on-farm sequestration from their emissions liability

    Reform resource management laws to reduce restrictions on private property

    Replace fuel taxes with user-pays road pricing

    End tax exemptions for charities and religious groups

    Introduce a market-based system for managing water pollution

    Introduce a pricing system for water allocation

    Restrict employees' remedies in the personal grievance process

    Create additional funding options for local government to upgrade their water infrastruture

    Expand water supply exemption to include suppliers of fewer than 30 users

    Reverse the ban on offshore oil and gas exploration

    Set a target for economic growth

    Bar contractors from challenging their employment status in the Employment Court

    Remove Easter trading laws

    Require annual leave to be calculated on a pro-rata basis

    Reform the Credit Contracts and Consumer Finance Act

    Simplify anti-money laundering compliance requirements

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