Tackling climate change has been a priority of the current government since it was elected in 2017. But its climate policies have been met with resistance in some quarters, especially among farmers who say efforts to reduce emissions threaten the industry's bottom line. However, others say the government’s climate change measures don’t go far enough, as the devastating impacts of climate change become ever more visible.
Tackling climate change has been a priority of the current government since it was elected in 2017. But its climate policies have been met with resistance in some quarters, especially among farmers who say efforts to reduce emissions threaten the industry's bottom line. However, others say the government’s climate change measures don’t go far enough, as the devastating impacts of climate change become ever more visible.
End all climate taxes, subsidies and regulations
Increase funding for climate resilience measures
Require investor visa applicants to fund refugee resettlement
Provide incentives for farmers to adopt more sustainable land use practices
Review planning systems to ensure they consider climate adapation
Support more research on the construction sector
Support iwi and hapū-led solutions to protect sites affected by sea level rises
Consider a fund for Māori climate change researchers and scientists
Continue to fund research and development of technology that reduces agricultural emissions
Establish new research centres focused on tech, climate change, and pandemics
Develop a second emissions reduction plan
Establish a Minister for Just Transitions to oversee the transition to a low emissions economy
Invest $300 million in NZ Green Investment Finance to support emissions reduction
Prioritise climate change in research and development
Remove all remaining coal boilers in schools, tertiary institutions and hospitals
Develop the Dargaville Aerodrome
Create a fuel security plan
Increase diplomatic support for Pasifika leaders
Fund Māori farmers to transition from emissions-intensive farming
Establish climate change adaptation plans with whānau, hapū and iwi
Establish a Ministry of Climate Change
Strengthen the Zero Carbon Act
Pass a Climate Change Adaptation Bill
Ensure climate adaptation planning affirms tino rangatiratanga
Prioritise long-term, nature-based solutions over short-term engineering solutions
Ensure planning frameworks give effect to the need for climate adaption
Fund climate adaption and resilience measures
Increase support for Pacific countries adapting to climate change
Legislate for a right to a healthy environment
Create a national food strategy
Focus defence spending on climate change, humanitarian aid and environmental monitoring
Work with unions, employers and Māori to transition to a low emissions economy
Transform Rau Paenga into the Ministry of Green Works
Support Tagata Moana leadership on climate action
Encourage climate resilience in urban planning
Establish an ocean commission to provide advice and set targets for marine systems
Abolish Significant Natural Areas
Abolish the Climate Change Commission
Introduce a pricing system for water allocation
Abolish the Climate Change Chief Executives Board
Abolish the Climate Emergency Response Fund
End all climate taxes, subsidies and regulations
Increase funding for climate resilience measures
Require investor visa applicants to fund refugee resettlement
Provide incentives for farmers to adopt more sustainable land use practices
Review planning systems to ensure they consider climate adapation
Support more research on the construction sector
Support iwi and hapū-led solutions to protect sites affected by sea level rises
Consider a fund for Māori climate change researchers and scientists
Continue to fund research and development of technology that reduces agricultural emissions
Establish new research centres focused on tech, climate change, and pandemics
Develop a second emissions reduction plan
Establish a Minister for Just Transitions to oversee the transition to a low emissions economy
Invest $300 million in NZ Green Investment Finance to support emissions reduction
Prioritise climate change in research and development
Remove all remaining coal boilers in schools, tertiary institutions and hospitals
Develop the Dargaville Aerodrome
Create a fuel security plan
Increase diplomatic support for Pasifika leaders
Fund Māori farmers to transition from emissions-intensive farming
Establish climate change adaptation plans with whānau, hapū and iwi
Establish a Ministry of Climate Change
Strengthen the Zero Carbon Act
Pass a Climate Change Adaptation Bill
Ensure climate adaptation planning affirms tino rangatiratanga
Prioritise long-term, nature-based solutions over short-term engineering solutions
Ensure planning frameworks give effect to the need for climate adaption
Fund climate adaption and resilience measures
Increase support for Pacific countries adapting to climate change
Legislate for a right to a healthy environment
Create a national food strategy
Focus defence spending on climate change, humanitarian aid and environmental monitoring
Work with unions, employers and Māori to transition to a low emissions economy
Transform Rau Paenga into the Ministry of Green Works
Support Tagata Moana leadership on climate action
Encourage climate resilience in urban planning
Establish an ocean commission to provide advice and set targets for marine systems
Abolish Significant Natural Areas
Abolish the Climate Change Commission
Introduce a pricing system for water allocation
Abolish the Climate Change Chief Executives Board
Abolish the Climate Emergency Response Fund
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