Party vote

Incomes and employment

The price of everything is rising fast, as inflation reaches its highest levels since the 1990s. The cost of living has become a major election issue with all major parties promising a raft of changes to ease the pressure on households. Some focus on increasing incomes through tax cuts or increases to benefits, some focus on reducing prices, while others maintain that the way forward is to reduce regulation to reduce costs on businesses.

Incomes and employment

The price of everything is rising fast, as inflation reaches its highest levels since the 1990s. The cost of living has become a major election issue with all major parties promising a raft of changes to ease the pressure on households. Some focus on increasing incomes through tax cuts or increases to benefits, some focus on reducing prices, while others maintain that the way forward is to reduce regulation to reduce costs on businesses.

Key policiesACCBenefitsJobs and employmentPricesSuperannuation and savingsTax and income supportWages and working conditions

  • Increase superannuation payments annually

    Enable members of Kiwisaver to split savings across multiple providers

    Repeal the Conduct of Financial Institutions Act

    Reverse changes to the Credit Contracts and Consumer Finance Act

    Increase the retirement age to 67 from 2044

  • Halt contributions to the NZ Super Fund

    Increase the retirement age to 67 and index it to life expectancy

    Index superannuation to the consumer price index rather than average wages

  • Keep the retirement age at 65

  • Require children to be signed up for Kiwisaver at birth

    Review Kiwisaver contributions for self-employed people

    Review the effect of Kiwisaver contributions on price stability

  • Reinstate the 10-year residency requirement for superannuation eligibility

    Increase superannuation payments

    Maintain the current retirement age

Key policiesACCBenefitsJobs and employmentPricesSuperannuation and savingsTax and income supportWages and working conditions

  • Increase superannuation payments annually

    Enable members of Kiwisaver to split savings across multiple providers

    Repeal the Conduct of Financial Institutions Act

    Reverse changes to the Credit Contracts and Consumer Finance Act

    Increase the retirement age to 67 from 2044

  • Halt contributions to the NZ Super Fund

    Increase the retirement age to 67 and index it to life expectancy

    Index superannuation to the consumer price index rather than average wages

  • Keep the retirement age at 65

  • Require children to be signed up for Kiwisaver at birth

    Review Kiwisaver contributions for self-employed people

    Review the effect of Kiwisaver contributions on price stability

  • Reinstate the 10-year residency requirement for superannuation eligibility

    Increase superannuation payments

    Maintain the current retirement age

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