Party vote

Law, justice and government

Reports of ram-raids and youth offending have put law and order into the spotlight this election. Parties on the right call for tougher sentences and stricter controls on young offenders. Parties on the left say nothing will change unless the causes of crime are addressed, pointing to NZ's high rates of imprisonment and a significant over-representation of Māori.

Law, justice and government

Reports of ram-raids and youth offending have put law and order into the spotlight this election. Parties on the right call for tougher sentences and stricter controls on young offenders. Parties on the left say nothing will change unless the causes of crime are addressed, pointing to NZ's high rates of imprisonment and a significant over-representation of Māori.

Key policiesCivil justiceCriminal justiceFamily justice and safetyFirearmsLocal governmentParliament and democracyPolicingPublic sector

  • Reduce spending on contractors and consultants

    Negotiate partnership agreements with local and regional governments

    Require councils in major towns and cities to release more land for housing development

    Retain rules requiring councils to zone for six storeys close to public transport

    Standardise infrastructure funding process for councils at their debt limits

    Use targeted rates to fund infrastructure for when developing on greenfield land

    Pay councils for consenting additional houses

    Increase penalties for young people who offend repeatedly

    Ban gang patches in public and on social media

    Allow police to issue dispersal notices to groups of suspected gang members in public

    Establish youth military academies for certain young offenders

    Fund community organisations to work with certain young offenders

    Allow police to prohibit gang members from associating with one another

    Allow the police commissioner to issue firearm prohibition orders to certain gang members

    Limit sentencing discounts to 40 percent

    Limit certain sentence discounts for repeat offenders

    Make gang membership an automatic aggravating factor in sentencing

    Re-instate the three strikes sentencing regime

    End legal aid funding for written cultural reports used in court

    Increase funding for victim support services

    Extend eligibility for all rehabilitation programmes to remand prisoners

    Remove the requirement for the Reserve Bank to focus on maximising employment

    Establish a dedicated biotechnology regulator

    Reverse water infrastructure reforms

    Require councils to produce a plan for water infrastructure

    Expand the scope of the water quality regulator to include waste and storm water

    Establish a water infrastructure regulator

    Remove two agricultural regulations for every one introduced

    Publish assessments of the cost of new agricultural regulations

    Establish panel to review agricultural regulations

    Narrow the scope of Significant Natural Areas

    Abolish Te Aka Whai Ora Māori Health Authority

    Establish a minister for mental health

    Reduce spending on non front-line services by an average of 6.5 percent

    Reform the Building Code to speed up the consent process

    Allow remote inspections for building consents

    Require building compliance certificates to be issued within five working days

    Consider establishing a specialised procurement function in the government

    Investigate reducing council liability for building performance

    Establish an ombudsman for people affected by Cyclone Gabrielle and major floods

    Speed up land value assessments by EQC

    Commission an independent review of Kāinga Ora

    Remove most consent requirements for building water storage on farmland

    Remove most consent requirements for expanding commercial fruit and vegetable production

    Establish a minister for technology

    Publish annual reports on the performance of major government initiatives

    Pay senior public servants based on performance

    Stop aiming to reduce the prison population

    Train 300 more Police officers

    Increase the presence of Police officers in public

    Suspend benefits to people evading arrest

    Establish a minister for space and advanced aviation

    Require government agencies to share satellite images

    Encourage government agencies to use satellite and drone data

  • Review legislation, policy and practice to meet international human rights obligations for children

    Require a children's interests analysis for government policy decisions

    Reinstate the Children's Commissioner's independent monitoring powers

    Establish a Ministry of Climate Change

    Fund climate adaption and resilience measures

    Ensure NZ's democracy is grounded in te Tiriti o Waitangi

    Lower the voting age to 16

    Entrench Māori seats in Parliament

    Increase transparency in political donations

    Increase transparency in political lobbying

    Increase access to official information

    Mandate civics education in schools and fund adult civics education

    Establish a citizens’ assembly to consider constitutional reform

    Reform drug laws

    Legalise cannabis for personal use

    Ensure resource management or local government system changes uphold tino rangatiratanga

    Implement the National Strategy for Eliminating Family and Sexual Violence

    Enable community-led responses for violence prevention and healing from violence

    Prioritise kaupapa Māori solutions to violence

    Amend the definition of consent relating to sexual violation

    Reform the justice system to prevent re-traumatising victims and survivors

    Fund specialist services for victims and perpetrators of violence

    Fund evidence-based rehabilitation for offenders

    Expand youth courts and support for youth in the justice system

    Promote non-violent approaches to policing

    Prohibit the detention of young people with adults

    Reform bail and sentencing laws to favour non-custodial and community-based outcomes

    Increase community reintegration support for people leaving prison

    Expand legal aid and community law services

    Extend hate speech protections to cover religion, gender, disability, and Rainbow communities

    Transform Rau Paenga into the Ministry of Green Works

    Clarify the role of Te Tiriti in local government

    Require local councils to use proportional voting systems

    Transfer the management of local elections from private firms to the Electoral Commission

    Allow local authorities to gather revenue from new sources

    Increase resilience of local telecommunications and transport networks

    Extend the Election Access Fund to disabled individuals running in local elections

    Strengthen the Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission

    Establish an independent ocean commission

    Extend voting rights to all citizens living overseas

    Train public servants in te Tiriti o Waitangi and te reo Māori

    Appoint a taskforce to hold public agencies accountable for wellbeing objectives

    Standardise career progression, pay and training across the public sector

    Increase funding for the community sector

    Establish a Ministry for Rainbow Communities

    Prioritise buying goods and services from NZ businesses

    Support the direct provision of public transport by local and regional councils

    Establish a Zero Waste Agency

    Create a new Commissioner for Animals

    Extend voting rights to all prisoners

    Require councils to restore and expand urban green spaces

    Establish an ocean commission to provide advice and set targets for marine systems

  • Stop using te reo Māori names for government departments

    Make gang membership an automatic aggravating factor in criminal sentencing

    Require a six month prison sentence for assault of first responders

    Designate gangs as terrorist entities

    Abolish Te Aka Whai Ora Māori Health Authority

    Establish a dedicated prison for gang members

    Hold an inquiry into the Covid-19 response

    Hold a referendum on extending the parliamentary term to four years

    Require public organisations to install both single sex and unisex toilets

    Abolish the Electricity Authority and establish a Ministry for Energy

    Prioritise the procurement of NZ-made aluminium

    Establish a commission of inquiry into Gloriavale

    Continue to support Farm Environment Plans

    Introduce a right to property in the Bill of Rights Act

    Require the use of wool rather than synthetic fibres in government procurement

    Make Pāmu Landcorp a Crown Entity

    Establish catchment boards to manage freshwater

    Freeze MP salaries until frontline public workers receive pay rises

    Train 500 more Police officers

    Increase the number youth aid Police officers

    Review Police pay and conditions

    Ensure community policing initiatives are adequately funded

    Introduce a demerit points system for youth offenders

    Increase penalties for drivers who flee Police

    Prioritise victims and the community in sentencing

    Provide free tattoo removal for ex-gang members in prison

    Increase the use of mandatory minimum sentences for serious violent and sexual offences

    Increase sentences for people convicted of murder

    Prohibit some violent offenders from receiving community-based sentences

    Expand access to driving training for prisoners

    Establish a dedicated prison for gang members

    Require prisoners to build and maintain portable prison units

    Increase fines for low-level offences

    Increase penalties for littering

    Expand the types of non-custodial sentences

    Prohibit concurrent sentences for those who offend while on parole, bail or in custody

    Introduce mental health response units

    Provide a rates rebate to people over 65

    Establish a select committee inquiry into aged care

  • Increase funding for investigation of tax evasion and financial crimes

    Establish a Māori legal aid service

    Establish a Māori criminal justice system based on tikanga

    Establish a Māori Standards Authority

    Establish a kaupapa Māori mental health service

    Establish a Māori Parliament

    Entrench Māori electorate seats

    Appoint a Parliamentary Commissioner for the Treaty of Waitangi

    Require all legislation and regulation to have Treaty impact statements

    Remove the British royal family as head of state

    Require police to wear body cameras

    Pardon Māori wrongly convicted of crimes

    Commit all Māori to the Māori electoral roll

    Reduce the MMP party vote threshold to 2.5%

    Prevent referenda from overturning decisions to establish Māori wards

    Establish entity to enforce Māori rights and access to food

    Establish a Māori accident compensation authority

    Establish kaupapa Māori legal units at community law centres

    Abolish prisons by 2040

    Abolish youth justice facilities by 2030

    Adopt all Waitangi Tribunal recommendations relating to the justice system

    Require Police to prove just cause before denying defendants bail

    Raise the age of criminal responsibility to 16

    Exempt those on low incomes from receiving attachment orders

    Decriminalise drug use

    Replace the Independent Police Conduct Authority with entity with Māori representation

    Expand prison rehabilitation and recovery services

    Uphold minimum entitlements for prisoners

    Increase financial support for people leaving prison

    Allow all prisoners to vote

    Enable mental health professionals to attend emergency mental health incidents

    Establish a Māori child protection agency

    Review Oranga Tamariki's child protection protocols

    Establish a Māori disability authority

    Involve Māori disability organisations in policy development

  • Reduce the number of weeks parliament sits

    Halve the number of non-front-line employees at the Ministry of Education

    Reform the firearms licensing system

    Extend the government's ability to seize gang assets

    Reverse water infrastructure reforms

    Increase the number of prison beds

    Extend the adult criminal jurisdiction to cover 17-year-olds

    Extend the term of parliament to four years

    Hold a referendum on a new law to set standards for regulation

    Rebalance select committees in favour of opposition parties

    Shift responsibility for young offenders from Oranga Tamariki to Corrections

    Split Oranga Tamariki social workers' responsibilities into two new roles

    Establish a children's monitoring system that is independent from the government

    Abolish the Ministry for Pacific Peoples

    Abolish the Human Rights Commission

    Abolish Significant Natural Areas

    Introduce publicly-reported performance indicators for the Oranga Tamariki CEO

    Allow caregivers to make more decisions without permission from Oranga Tamariki or birth parents

    Devolve care of vulnerable children to private organisations instead of government

    Increase sentences for violent crimes against workers

    Increase police powers over gang members

    Impose spending controls on gang members who recieve benefits

    Index police staffing to population growth

    Review the Independent Police Complaints Authority

    Oppose laws against hate speech

    Upgrade police technology

    Stop aiming to reduce the prison population

    Set performance expectations for the Gang Intelligence Centre

    Require Inland Revenue to investigate gang finances

    Allow police to issue infringement notices for shoplifting

    Require government to pay reparations to victims of crime

    Re-instate the three strikes sentencing regime

    Require minimum literacy standards as a condition of parole

    Require serious youth offenders to wear ankle bracelets

    Prevent contractors from challenging their employment status in court

    Share half of GST revenue from new residential building with local councils

    Reduce the government's operating allowance

    Reduce the number of public servants and limit pay increases

    Abolish the Ministry for Women

    Abolish Te Puni Kōkiri

    Abolish the Ministry for Ethnic Communities

    Sell Landcorp and use proceeds to fund conservation on private land

    Partially privatise various state-owned enterprises

    Review home detention laws

    Prevent judges considering cultural background in sentencing

    Hold a referendum on the interpretation of the Treaty of Waitangi

    Repeal the Treaty of Waitangi clause in the Oranga Tamariki Act

    Create a Ministry of Regulation

    Remove Ngāi Tahu representatives from the Canterbury Regional Council

    Remove government agencies' focus on the Treaty of Waitangi

    Measure the performance of key government services

    Introduce performance pay and indicators for public sector chief executives

    Prevent the implementation of Māori seats on Auckland Council

    Reform resource management laws to reduce restrictions on private property

    Create new state owned enterprise to manage state highways

    Abolish the Climate Change Commission

    Allow more development projects to be fast-tracked through resource consent

    Fund conservation initiatives on private land

    Introduce a market-based system for managing water pollution

    Introduce a pricing system for water allocation

    Partially privatise the rail network

    Abolish the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority

    Abolish the Climate Change Chief Executives Board

    Abolish the Climate Emergency Response Fund

    Abolish the firearms register

    Relax firearms regulations for gun clubs and ranges

    Establish a new firearms regulator

    Create additional funding options for local government to upgrade their water infrastruture

    Create long-term water infrastructure improvement plans with local councils

    Abolish Māori wards

    Make it easier for schools to refer students to Oranga Tamariki

    Shift responsibility for writing the curriculum to the private sector

    Require all Employment Relations Authority determinations to be made within one month

    Crowdsource the terms of reference for the Covid-19 Royal Commission of Inquiry

    Restrict the Retirement Commission's focus to retirement villages and aging-in-place

  • Increase funding for community policing in Christchurch

    Build a police training college in Christchurch

    Share all GST revenue from new residential building with local councils

    Support more housing density in central cities and around transport nodes

    Fund a national expansion of the alcohol and other drug treatment court

    Establish a new offence category for stalking

    Provide better support to victims of violent offending

    Increase access to legal aid

    Respond to increasing cyber security threats

    Legalise the sale of cannabis

    Create a 30-year infrastructure plan

    Reform infrastructure funding system

    Remove the requirement for the Reserve Bank to focus on maximising employment

    Lower the party vote threshold to 3.5 percent

    Limit political donations

    Expand civics education

    Extend the parliamentary term to four years

    Introduce new forms of democratic consultation

    Establish an anti-corruption commission

    Reform rules for lobbyists

    Reform parliamentary select committees

    Establish a commissioner for future generations

    Reduce parliament sitting weeks

    Remove GST from rates

    Support amalgamation of local and regional councils

    Extend the term of local government to four years

    Require all local government elections to use STV

  • Encourage government agencies and organisations to develop Te Reo Māori language development plans

    Increase penalties for supplying vapes to under 18s

    Continue to support Māori Crown relations – Te Arawhiti

    Encourage local councils and boards to create Māori wards

    Retain Te Aka Whai Ora Māori Health Authority

    Increas funding for Te Reo Māori revitalisation

    Continue programme to provide young Māori with a path out of criminal offending

    Continue programmes to lower the proportion of Māori in the corrections system

    Provide more opportunities for whānau visits in prisons using new technology

    Train 300 additional Police officers

    Enable mental health professionals to attend emergency mental health incidents

    Establish a new offence for ram raiding

    Retain recent gun reforms

    Continue national family and sexual violence elimination strategy

    Strengthen legal protections against stalking and harassment

    Review legislation and police resourcing in relation to organised crime

    Increase powers of Corrections staff at youth justice facilities

    Continue reforms of youth justice family group conference system

    Make posting criminal behaviour online an aggravating factor in sentencing

    Make using young people to commit a crime an aggravating factor in sentencing

    Allow victims of crime committed by young people to attend family group conferences

    Allow the Family Court to require young offenders to undertake community activities or education programmes

    Review the victim reparations system

    Reduce waiting period for divorce in situations of abuse

    Build two new youth justice facilities

    Continue programme to improve the rights of victims

    Simplify the process for victims to apply for name suppression to be lifted in sexual assault cases

    Empower courts to stop litigation abuse

    Increase the use of audiovisual technology in court

    Review rules for jury trials in the District Court

    Establish a statutory class actions regime

    Continue to support Te Ao Mārama reforms in the courts

    Introduce an electronic courts system

    Continue building a new Tauranga courthouse

    Continue seismic strengthening of courts

    Review law on consent

    Review safety improvements for victims of serious crime that are being trialled in some courts

    Develop gang convoy legislation

    Establish a Minister for Just Transitions to oversee the transition to a low emissions economy

    Make adoption and surrogacy laws more accessible

  • Increase funding for police, the Ministry of Justice and the Department of Corrections

    Review firearms legislation

    Ban gang patches

    Increase home detention and electronically-monitored bail checks

    Focus on rehabilitation to prevent crime

    Remove the party vote threshold

    Reform the prison system

    Introduce relationship and parenting training

    Give regions a greater say in government spending

    Abolish the Auckland regional fuel tax

    Hold a referendum on whether to make the Bill of Rights supreme law

    Oppose co-governance

    Increase criminal penalties for gang related offending

    Be a voice for men and masculinity

    Reduce government spending by 10 percent

Key policiesCivil justiceCriminal justiceFamily justice and safetyFirearmsLocal governmentParliament and democracyPolicingPublic sector

  • Reduce spending on contractors and consultants

    Negotiate partnership agreements with local and regional governments

    Require councils in major towns and cities to release more land for housing development

    Retain rules requiring councils to zone for six storeys close to public transport

    Standardise infrastructure funding process for councils at their debt limits

    Use targeted rates to fund infrastructure for when developing on greenfield land

    Pay councils for consenting additional houses

    Increase penalties for young people who offend repeatedly

    Ban gang patches in public and on social media

    Allow police to issue dispersal notices to groups of suspected gang members in public

    Establish youth military academies for certain young offenders

    Fund community organisations to work with certain young offenders

    Allow police to prohibit gang members from associating with one another

    Allow the police commissioner to issue firearm prohibition orders to certain gang members

    Limit sentencing discounts to 40 percent

    Limit certain sentence discounts for repeat offenders

    Make gang membership an automatic aggravating factor in sentencing

    Re-instate the three strikes sentencing regime

    End legal aid funding for written cultural reports used in court

    Increase funding for victim support services

    Extend eligibility for all rehabilitation programmes to remand prisoners

    Remove the requirement for the Reserve Bank to focus on maximising employment

    Establish a dedicated biotechnology regulator

    Reverse water infrastructure reforms

    Require councils to produce a plan for water infrastructure

    Expand the scope of the water quality regulator to include waste and storm water

    Establish a water infrastructure regulator

    Remove two agricultural regulations for every one introduced

    Publish assessments of the cost of new agricultural regulations

    Establish panel to review agricultural regulations

    Narrow the scope of Significant Natural Areas

    Abolish Te Aka Whai Ora Māori Health Authority

    Establish a minister for mental health

    Reduce spending on non front-line services by an average of 6.5 percent

    Reform the Building Code to speed up the consent process

    Allow remote inspections for building consents

    Require building compliance certificates to be issued within five working days

    Consider establishing a specialised procurement function in the government

    Investigate reducing council liability for building performance

    Establish an ombudsman for people affected by Cyclone Gabrielle and major floods

    Speed up land value assessments by EQC

    Commission an independent review of Kāinga Ora

    Remove most consent requirements for building water storage on farmland

    Remove most consent requirements for expanding commercial fruit and vegetable production

    Establish a minister for technology

    Publish annual reports on the performance of major government initiatives

    Pay senior public servants based on performance

    Stop aiming to reduce the prison population

    Train 300 more Police officers

    Increase the presence of Police officers in public

    Suspend benefits to people evading arrest

    Establish a minister for space and advanced aviation

    Require government agencies to share satellite images

    Encourage government agencies to use satellite and drone data

  • Review legislation, policy and practice to meet international human rights obligations for children

    Require a children's interests analysis for government policy decisions

    Reinstate the Children's Commissioner's independent monitoring powers

    Establish a Ministry of Climate Change

    Fund climate adaption and resilience measures

    Ensure NZ's democracy is grounded in te Tiriti o Waitangi

    Lower the voting age to 16

    Entrench Māori seats in Parliament

    Increase transparency in political donations

    Increase transparency in political lobbying

    Increase access to official information

    Mandate civics education in schools and fund adult civics education

    Establish a citizens’ assembly to consider constitutional reform

    Reform drug laws

    Legalise cannabis for personal use

    Ensure resource management or local government system changes uphold tino rangatiratanga

    Implement the National Strategy for Eliminating Family and Sexual Violence

    Enable community-led responses for violence prevention and healing from violence

    Prioritise kaupapa Māori solutions to violence

    Amend the definition of consent relating to sexual violation

    Reform the justice system to prevent re-traumatising victims and survivors

    Fund specialist services for victims and perpetrators of violence

    Fund evidence-based rehabilitation for offenders

    Expand youth courts and support for youth in the justice system

    Promote non-violent approaches to policing

    Prohibit the detention of young people with adults

    Reform bail and sentencing laws to favour non-custodial and community-based outcomes

    Increase community reintegration support for people leaving prison

    Expand legal aid and community law services

    Extend hate speech protections to cover religion, gender, disability, and Rainbow communities

    Transform Rau Paenga into the Ministry of Green Works

    Clarify the role of Te Tiriti in local government

    Require local councils to use proportional voting systems

    Transfer the management of local elections from private firms to the Electoral Commission

    Allow local authorities to gather revenue from new sources

    Increase resilience of local telecommunications and transport networks

    Extend the Election Access Fund to disabled individuals running in local elections

    Strengthen the Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission

    Establish an independent ocean commission

    Extend voting rights to all citizens living overseas

    Train public servants in te Tiriti o Waitangi and te reo Māori

    Appoint a taskforce to hold public agencies accountable for wellbeing objectives

    Standardise career progression, pay and training across the public sector

    Increase funding for the community sector

    Establish a Ministry for Rainbow Communities

    Prioritise buying goods and services from NZ businesses

    Support the direct provision of public transport by local and regional councils

    Establish a Zero Waste Agency

    Create a new Commissioner for Animals

    Extend voting rights to all prisoners

    Require councils to restore and expand urban green spaces

    Establish an ocean commission to provide advice and set targets for marine systems

  • Stop using te reo Māori names for government departments

    Make gang membership an automatic aggravating factor in criminal sentencing

    Require a six month prison sentence for assault of first responders

    Designate gangs as terrorist entities

    Abolish Te Aka Whai Ora Māori Health Authority

    Establish a dedicated prison for gang members

    Hold an inquiry into the Covid-19 response

    Hold a referendum on extending the parliamentary term to four years

    Require public organisations to install both single sex and unisex toilets

    Abolish the Electricity Authority and establish a Ministry for Energy

    Prioritise the procurement of NZ-made aluminium

    Establish a commission of inquiry into Gloriavale

    Continue to support Farm Environment Plans

    Introduce a right to property in the Bill of Rights Act

    Require the use of wool rather than synthetic fibres in government procurement

    Make Pāmu Landcorp a Crown Entity

    Establish catchment boards to manage freshwater

    Freeze MP salaries until frontline public workers receive pay rises

    Train 500 more Police officers

    Increase the number youth aid Police officers

    Review Police pay and conditions

    Ensure community policing initiatives are adequately funded

    Introduce a demerit points system for youth offenders

    Increase penalties for drivers who flee Police

    Prioritise victims and the community in sentencing

    Provide free tattoo removal for ex-gang members in prison

    Increase the use of mandatory minimum sentences for serious violent and sexual offences

    Increase sentences for people convicted of murder

    Prohibit some violent offenders from receiving community-based sentences

    Expand access to driving training for prisoners

    Establish a dedicated prison for gang members

    Require prisoners to build and maintain portable prison units

    Increase fines for low-level offences

    Increase penalties for littering

    Expand the types of non-custodial sentences

    Prohibit concurrent sentences for those who offend while on parole, bail or in custody

    Introduce mental health response units

    Provide a rates rebate to people over 65

    Establish a select committee inquiry into aged care

  • Increase funding for investigation of tax evasion and financial crimes

    Establish a Māori legal aid service

    Establish a Māori criminal justice system based on tikanga

    Establish a Māori Standards Authority

    Establish a kaupapa Māori mental health service

    Establish a Māori Parliament

    Entrench Māori electorate seats

    Appoint a Parliamentary Commissioner for the Treaty of Waitangi

    Require all legislation and regulation to have Treaty impact statements

    Remove the British royal family as head of state

    Require police to wear body cameras

    Pardon Māori wrongly convicted of crimes

    Commit all Māori to the Māori electoral roll

    Reduce the MMP party vote threshold to 2.5%

    Prevent referenda from overturning decisions to establish Māori wards

    Establish entity to enforce Māori rights and access to food

    Establish a Māori accident compensation authority

    Establish kaupapa Māori legal units at community law centres

    Abolish prisons by 2040

    Abolish youth justice facilities by 2030

    Adopt all Waitangi Tribunal recommendations relating to the justice system

    Require Police to prove just cause before denying defendants bail

    Raise the age of criminal responsibility to 16

    Exempt those on low incomes from receiving attachment orders

    Decriminalise drug use

    Replace the Independent Police Conduct Authority with entity with Māori representation

    Expand prison rehabilitation and recovery services

    Uphold minimum entitlements for prisoners

    Increase financial support for people leaving prison

    Allow all prisoners to vote

    Enable mental health professionals to attend emergency mental health incidents

    Establish a Māori child protection agency

    Review Oranga Tamariki's child protection protocols

    Establish a Māori disability authority

    Involve Māori disability organisations in policy development

  • Reduce the number of weeks parliament sits

    Halve the number of non-front-line employees at the Ministry of Education

    Reform the firearms licensing system

    Extend the government's ability to seize gang assets

    Reverse water infrastructure reforms

    Increase the number of prison beds

    Extend the adult criminal jurisdiction to cover 17-year-olds

    Extend the term of parliament to four years

    Hold a referendum on a new law to set standards for regulation

    Rebalance select committees in favour of opposition parties

    Shift responsibility for young offenders from Oranga Tamariki to Corrections

    Split Oranga Tamariki social workers' responsibilities into two new roles

    Establish a children's monitoring system that is independent from the government

    Abolish the Ministry for Pacific Peoples

    Abolish the Human Rights Commission

    Abolish Significant Natural Areas

    Introduce publicly-reported performance indicators for the Oranga Tamariki CEO

    Allow caregivers to make more decisions without permission from Oranga Tamariki or birth parents

    Devolve care of vulnerable children to private organisations instead of government

    Increase sentences for violent crimes against workers

    Increase police powers over gang members

    Impose spending controls on gang members who recieve benefits

    Index police staffing to population growth

    Review the Independent Police Complaints Authority

    Oppose laws against hate speech

    Upgrade police technology

    Stop aiming to reduce the prison population

    Set performance expectations for the Gang Intelligence Centre

    Require Inland Revenue to investigate gang finances

    Allow police to issue infringement notices for shoplifting

    Require government to pay reparations to victims of crime

    Re-instate the three strikes sentencing regime

    Require minimum literacy standards as a condition of parole

    Require serious youth offenders to wear ankle bracelets

    Prevent contractors from challenging their employment status in court

    Share half of GST revenue from new residential building with local councils

    Reduce the government's operating allowance

    Reduce the number of public servants and limit pay increases

    Abolish the Ministry for Women

    Abolish Te Puni Kōkiri

    Abolish the Ministry for Ethnic Communities

    Sell Landcorp and use proceeds to fund conservation on private land

    Partially privatise various state-owned enterprises

    Review home detention laws

    Prevent judges considering cultural background in sentencing

    Hold a referendum on the interpretation of the Treaty of Waitangi

    Repeal the Treaty of Waitangi clause in the Oranga Tamariki Act

    Create a Ministry of Regulation

    Remove Ngāi Tahu representatives from the Canterbury Regional Council

    Remove government agencies' focus on the Treaty of Waitangi

    Measure the performance of key government services

    Introduce performance pay and indicators for public sector chief executives

    Prevent the implementation of Māori seats on Auckland Council

    Reform resource management laws to reduce restrictions on private property

    Create new state owned enterprise to manage state highways

    Abolish the Climate Change Commission

    Allow more development projects to be fast-tracked through resource consent

    Fund conservation initiatives on private land

    Introduce a market-based system for managing water pollution

    Introduce a pricing system for water allocation

    Partially privatise the rail network

    Abolish the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority

    Abolish the Climate Change Chief Executives Board

    Abolish the Climate Emergency Response Fund

    Abolish the firearms register

    Relax firearms regulations for gun clubs and ranges

    Establish a new firearms regulator

    Create additional funding options for local government to upgrade their water infrastruture

    Create long-term water infrastructure improvement plans with local councils

    Abolish Māori wards

    Make it easier for schools to refer students to Oranga Tamariki

    Shift responsibility for writing the curriculum to the private sector

    Require all Employment Relations Authority determinations to be made within one month

    Crowdsource the terms of reference for the Covid-19 Royal Commission of Inquiry

    Restrict the Retirement Commission's focus to retirement villages and aging-in-place

  • Increase funding for community policing in Christchurch

    Build a police training college in Christchurch

    Share all GST revenue from new residential building with local councils

    Support more housing density in central cities and around transport nodes

    Fund a national expansion of the alcohol and other drug treatment court

    Establish a new offence category for stalking

    Provide better support to victims of violent offending

    Increase access to legal aid

    Respond to increasing cyber security threats

    Legalise the sale of cannabis

    Create a 30-year infrastructure plan

    Reform infrastructure funding system

    Remove the requirement for the Reserve Bank to focus on maximising employment

    Lower the party vote threshold to 3.5 percent

    Limit political donations

    Expand civics education

    Extend the parliamentary term to four years

    Introduce new forms of democratic consultation

    Establish an anti-corruption commission

    Reform rules for lobbyists

    Reform parliamentary select committees

    Establish a commissioner for future generations

    Reduce parliament sitting weeks

    Remove GST from rates

    Support amalgamation of local and regional councils

    Extend the term of local government to four years

    Require all local government elections to use STV

  • Encourage government agencies and organisations to develop Te Reo Māori language development plans

    Increase penalties for supplying vapes to under 18s

    Continue to support Māori Crown relations – Te Arawhiti

    Encourage local councils and boards to create Māori wards

    Retain Te Aka Whai Ora Māori Health Authority

    Increas funding for Te Reo Māori revitalisation

    Continue programme to provide young Māori with a path out of criminal offending

    Continue programmes to lower the proportion of Māori in the corrections system

    Provide more opportunities for whānau visits in prisons using new technology

    Train 300 additional Police officers

    Enable mental health professionals to attend emergency mental health incidents

    Establish a new offence for ram raiding

    Retain recent gun reforms

    Continue national family and sexual violence elimination strategy

    Strengthen legal protections against stalking and harassment

    Review legislation and police resourcing in relation to organised crime

    Increase powers of Corrections staff at youth justice facilities

    Continue reforms of youth justice family group conference system

    Make posting criminal behaviour online an aggravating factor in sentencing

    Make using young people to commit a crime an aggravating factor in sentencing

    Allow victims of crime committed by young people to attend family group conferences

    Allow the Family Court to require young offenders to undertake community activities or education programmes

    Review the victim reparations system

    Reduce waiting period for divorce in situations of abuse

    Build two new youth justice facilities

    Continue programme to improve the rights of victims

    Simplify the process for victims to apply for name suppression to be lifted in sexual assault cases

    Empower courts to stop litigation abuse

    Increase the use of audiovisual technology in court

    Review rules for jury trials in the District Court

    Establish a statutory class actions regime

    Continue to support Te Ao Mārama reforms in the courts

    Introduce an electronic courts system

    Continue building a new Tauranga courthouse

    Continue seismic strengthening of courts

    Review law on consent

    Review safety improvements for victims of serious crime that are being trialled in some courts

    Develop gang convoy legislation

    Establish a Minister for Just Transitions to oversee the transition to a low emissions economy

    Make adoption and surrogacy laws more accessible

  • Increase funding for police, the Ministry of Justice and the Department of Corrections

    Review firearms legislation

    Ban gang patches

    Increase home detention and electronically-monitored bail checks

    Focus on rehabilitation to prevent crime

    Remove the party vote threshold

    Reform the prison system

    Introduce relationship and parenting training

    Give regions a greater say in government spending

    Abolish the Auckland regional fuel tax

    Hold a referendum on whether to make the Bill of Rights supreme law

    Oppose co-governance

    Increase criminal penalties for gang related offending

    Be a voice for men and masculinity

    Reduce government spending by 10 percent

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