Protecting the environment and managing natural resources is a key responsibility of regional councils. Regional councils are often also involved in pest control and resource management.
Protecting the environment and managing natural resources is a key responsibility of regional councils. Regional councils are often also involved in pest control and resource management.
Use 'compassionate conservation' strategies such as trap-neuter-return and contraception for unwanted animals.
Ban 1080 and other toxins because they are inhumane.
Protect all significant trees and make it easier for the public to notify them.
Protect biodiversity, and our nature parks.
Protect the environment.
Reduce pollution.
Prevent increased intensification in zones not supported with adequate sewerage capability.
Create a 10-year plan for the council to provide collection for the entire multifaceted waste stream, from e-waste to soft plastics etc.
Encourage community activism to reduce plastic packaging where alternatives are available, including returning it to the supplier.
Make the Hauraki gulf a reserve, including the shoreline, and commit to restoring the native ecology to protect us from inundation.
Invest in localised waste management centres such as including plastic recycling to 3D printing capabilities locally.
Create robust civil response plans for the increasing risk of flood in Auckland.
Move away from demonising one species over another, and examine what the best balance is, and how to achieve it, without cruelty.
Open public debate on the least toxic, polluting, or degrading, substance or practice, so residents can choose to protect future generations.
Operate the Civil Defence head quarters in every catchment as living examples of self-sufficiency, minimising waste and pollution, and promoting biodiversity.
The use of suppressed technology is essential. The Bot Trap is a solution to predator and pest control. Let's end 1080 poison.
Biodiversity protection is the foremost policy of Ryan for Mayor of Auckland. This is most essential above all.
Pollution reduction is a government problem, not one of the individual, that is what taxes are for. Let's get to this understanding first.
Establish a pest eradication programme for the whole of Auckland City, especially the control of rats and vermin around waterways and beaches.
Complete unfinished projects, like the St Luke/ Mt Albert interceptor, in order to minimise and stop sewerage from polluting Auckland's water.
Steward the environment, as signatory to the Treaty of Waitangi, Eru Patuone, indicated, that honours the Creator God, Jesus Christ.
Stop pollution of beaches and suburban waterways by getting the Watercare Central Interceptor pipeline back on track and done.
Protect and enhancing our regional parks and community spaces.
Encourage community groups to become more involved in cleaning up urban waterways.
Support and increase incentives for reducing rubbish and for separating different types of rubbish towards the goal of zero waste by 2040.
Support and increase environmental monitoring of land, water and air to increase biodiversity through vegetation and humane pest control.
Pursue violations of environmental standards with conviction and make the penalties severe.
Fund ecological volunteer groups and stewards of our natural environment such as iwi to improve our inland and coastal environments.
Promote ecological sustainability, biodiversity and biosecurity programmes, and phase out glyphosate spraying as fast as possible.
Care for our environment through action to reduce water, air and land pollution, and prioritise regulatory enforcement by Auckland Council.
Better protect our existing parks and green space, under pressure from intensification, by using development contributions more effectively.
Prioritise investment for storm/waste water separation to improve Auckland beach cleanliness.
Take a new approach to tree planting to both protect mature trees and expand native planting to respond to the 18% reduction in tree cover.
Commit to delivering regulatory compliance and enforcement around breaches of the Resource Management Act.
Ensure all residential complaints are investigated and looked into in a timely and fair manner. I believe respect is warranted in a home.
Introduce Let's Fight the Landfill. Hamilton saved 55% of waste through this initiative. Four bins: waste, glass, plastics, food-waste.
Commit to stronger, robust quicker effective, supportive council biodiversity, and efficient, improved enforcement and supported compliance.
Increase environmental incident response and improve its efficiency, reliability and effectiveness with a stronger degree of consistency.
Reduce pollution and minimisation of pollution with a definite scheduled improvement and a monitored, enhanced programme.
Stop the Dome Valley landfill and lobby government to build a waste to energy plant.
Use 'compassionate conservation' strategies such as trap-neuter-return and contraception for unwanted animals.
Ban 1080 and other toxins because they are inhumane.
Protect all significant trees and make it easier for the public to notify them.
Protect biodiversity, and our nature parks.
Protect the environment.
Reduce pollution.
Prevent increased intensification in zones not supported with adequate sewerage capability.
Create a 10-year plan for the council to provide collection for the entire multifaceted waste stream, from e-waste to soft plastics etc.
Encourage community activism to reduce plastic packaging where alternatives are available, including returning it to the supplier.
Make the Hauraki gulf a reserve, including the shoreline, and commit to restoring the native ecology to protect us from inundation.
Invest in localised waste management centres such as including plastic recycling to 3D printing capabilities locally.
Create robust civil response plans for the increasing risk of flood in Auckland.
Move away from demonising one species over another, and examine what the best balance is, and how to achieve it, without cruelty.
Open public debate on the least toxic, polluting, or degrading, substance or practice, so residents can choose to protect future generations.
Operate the Civil Defence head quarters in every catchment as living examples of self-sufficiency, minimising waste and pollution, and promoting biodiversity.
The use of suppressed technology is essential. The Bot Trap is a solution to predator and pest control. Let's end 1080 poison.
Biodiversity protection is the foremost policy of Ryan for Mayor of Auckland. This is most essential above all.
Pollution reduction is a government problem, not one of the individual, that is what taxes are for. Let's get to this understanding first.
Establish a pest eradication programme for the whole of Auckland City, especially the control of rats and vermin around waterways and beaches.
Complete unfinished projects, like the St Luke/ Mt Albert interceptor, in order to minimise and stop sewerage from polluting Auckland's water.
Steward the environment, as signatory to the Treaty of Waitangi, Eru Patuone, indicated, that honours the Creator God, Jesus Christ.
Stop pollution of beaches and suburban waterways by getting the Watercare Central Interceptor pipeline back on track and done.
Protect and enhancing our regional parks and community spaces.
Encourage community groups to become more involved in cleaning up urban waterways.
Support and increase incentives for reducing rubbish and for separating different types of rubbish towards the goal of zero waste by 2040.
Support and increase environmental monitoring of land, water and air to increase biodiversity through vegetation and humane pest control.
Pursue violations of environmental standards with conviction and make the penalties severe.
Fund ecological volunteer groups and stewards of our natural environment such as iwi to improve our inland and coastal environments.
Promote ecological sustainability, biodiversity and biosecurity programmes, and phase out glyphosate spraying as fast as possible.
Care for our environment through action to reduce water, air and land pollution, and prioritise regulatory enforcement by Auckland Council.
Better protect our existing parks and green space, under pressure from intensification, by using development contributions more effectively.
Prioritise investment for storm/waste water separation to improve Auckland beach cleanliness.
Take a new approach to tree planting to both protect mature trees and expand native planting to respond to the 18% reduction in tree cover.
Commit to delivering regulatory compliance and enforcement around breaches of the Resource Management Act.
Ensure all residential complaints are investigated and looked into in a timely and fair manner. I believe respect is warranted in a home.
Introduce Let's Fight the Landfill. Hamilton saved 55% of waste through this initiative. Four bins: waste, glass, plastics, food-waste.
Commit to stronger, robust quicker effective, supportive council biodiversity, and efficient, improved enforcement and supported compliance.
Increase environmental incident response and improve its efficiency, reliability and effectiveness with a stronger degree of consistency.
Reduce pollution and minimisation of pollution with a definite scheduled improvement and a monitored, enhanced programme.
Stop the Dome Valley landfill and lobby government to build a waste to energy plant.
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