Climate change poses a huge challenge for communities as more frequent extreme weather events require us to rethink how we live and where. Local authorities are at the forefront of efforts to respond, with responsibilities for environmental planning and regulation, as well as civil defence. Many councils have plans to reduce emissions in their area and are working to help their communities adapt to a warming world.
Climate change poses a huge challenge for communities as more frequent extreme weather events require us to rethink how we live and where. Local authorities are at the forefront of efforts to respond, with responsibilities for environmental planning and regulation, as well as civil defence. Many councils have plans to reduce emissions in their area and are working to help their communities adapt to a warming world.
Council must be strongly working and implementing policies and infrastructure to make Christchurch carbon neutral as soon as possible.
Climate action starts in our communities. Making our community streets safe for our children, all residents to move around without a car.
Collaboration with coastal/flood prone communities around land use and possible retreat, don't do this and central government will dictate.
Lift climate change CENSORSHIP. No media or Government censorship on. Support open debate with ALL SCIENTIFIC data and research available.
Implement a balanced approach to environmentalism. Enact policy within a NZ context. Reasonable, and measured with common sense.
Hear the people. Implement resident referenda on environmental and civil defence issues of significant impact and cost.
Establish, facilitate and communicate REAL things that everyday people can easily do to make a difference.
Review strategic planning to ensure transport, housing density, green spaces and all relevant areas are aligned to reach environmental goals.
Establish an Environmental Sustainability unit to implement policies, while examining other ways we can reduce damage to our environment.
Commit to Christchurch reducing emissions by providing transport choices.
Commit to council continuing its successful education programme to help residents reduce waste.
Commit to protecting existing tree canopy, and increasing plantings on public land to provide increased canopy for the future.
Council must be strongly working and implementing policies and infrastructure to make Christchurch carbon neutral as soon as possible.
Climate action starts in our communities. Making our community streets safe for our children, all residents to move around without a car.
Collaboration with coastal/flood prone communities around land use and possible retreat, don't do this and central government will dictate.
Lift climate change CENSORSHIP. No media or Government censorship on. Support open debate with ALL SCIENTIFIC data and research available.
Implement a balanced approach to environmentalism. Enact policy within a NZ context. Reasonable, and measured with common sense.
Hear the people. Implement resident referenda on environmental and civil defence issues of significant impact and cost.
Establish, facilitate and communicate REAL things that everyday people can easily do to make a difference.
Review strategic planning to ensure transport, housing density, green spaces and all relevant areas are aligned to reach environmental goals.
Establish an Environmental Sustainability unit to implement policies, while examining other ways we can reduce damage to our environment.
Commit to Christchurch reducing emissions by providing transport choices.
Commit to council continuing its successful education programme to help residents reduce waste.
Commit to protecting existing tree canopy, and increasing plantings on public land to provide increased canopy for the future.
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