Helping communities get from A to B is a key responsibility of local government, from making sure the buses run on time to providing car parking and walking and cycling paths. Whether public transport is the responsibility of the regional or local council depends on where you are in the country. Local councils also own 87% of New Zealand’s roads.
Helping communities get from A to B is a key responsibility of local government, from making sure the buses run on time to providing car parking and walking and cycling paths. Whether public transport is the responsibility of the regional or local council depends on where you are in the country. Local councils also own 87% of New Zealand’s roads.
Stop the anti-car policies of the current council which will see our streets grid locked and will see businesses die.
Work to have the "closed" car park buildings around the city re-opened by working with and not against the owners.
Work to improve the reliability of public transport to give people better transport options. Is WRC the best administrator of this?
Abandon light rail dreams. Buses are the best answer for Wellington – flexible, resilient, cheaper and quicker to deliver.
Work with Greater Wellington Regional Council to get reliable bus services, to encourage people to use public transport.
Stop the Golden Mile madness which will kill businesses as many won't be able to access the central city, especially older people and families.
Make our buses more reliable by installing congestion-free bus lanes on arterial bus routes.
Protect walkers and bike riders from death and serious injury by installing separated bike lanes, pedestrian crossings and footpath lighting.
Reprioritise intersections and road space for safer and higher capacity walking cycling and public transport.
Review Let's Get Wellington Moving priorities and governance to ensure the programme will deliver real value for money, and has proper accountability.
Establish more secure lock up facilities for e-bikes to prevent theft.
Maintain (to a higher standard) Wellington's extensive network of pathways (ie pedestrian-only shortcuts) so they are easier to navigate.
Push for faster progress on the next phase of Let's Get Wellington Moving.
Establish more bus priority lanes across the city.
Roll out the full cycle network across the city to ensure safer journeys and to provide separation where possible from pedestrians.
Bring public transport back into public ownership and guarantee $30 minimum rate for bus drivers, fewer split shifts and better facilities.
Complete Paneke Pōneke bike network especially the transitional network to ensure everyone can bike or scooter safely and off footpaths.
Introduce road pricing tools, ie congestion charging and bring commercial parking buildings into public ownership to reinvest profits into the city.
Build on our strengths for a better climate friendly transport system that makes sustainable travel an easy first option..
Accelerate the bus network plan with more bus lanes, improved accessible bus stops and pleasant bus shelters that are a joy to use.
Support walking mode shift with clutter free accessible footpaths, better walk connection to school and bus, high value low cost projects.
Make public transport the most effective and cheapest way to move in the region.
Solve Mt Victoria tunnel congestion by moving ahead with rail connection to airport.
Give residents options and alternatives not simply remove street parking.
Stop the anti-car policies of the current council which will see our streets grid locked and will see businesses die.
Work to have the "closed" car park buildings around the city re-opened by working with and not against the owners.
Work to improve the reliability of public transport to give people better transport options. Is WRC the best administrator of this?
Abandon light rail dreams. Buses are the best answer for Wellington – flexible, resilient, cheaper and quicker to deliver.
Work with Greater Wellington Regional Council to get reliable bus services, to encourage people to use public transport.
Stop the Golden Mile madness which will kill businesses as many won't be able to access the central city, especially older people and families.
Make our buses more reliable by installing congestion-free bus lanes on arterial bus routes.
Protect walkers and bike riders from death and serious injury by installing separated bike lanes, pedestrian crossings and footpath lighting.
Reprioritise intersections and road space for safer and higher capacity walking cycling and public transport.
Review Let's Get Wellington Moving priorities and governance to ensure the programme will deliver real value for money, and has proper accountability.
Establish more secure lock up facilities for e-bikes to prevent theft.
Maintain (to a higher standard) Wellington's extensive network of pathways (ie pedestrian-only shortcuts) so they are easier to navigate.
Push for faster progress on the next phase of Let's Get Wellington Moving.
Establish more bus priority lanes across the city.
Roll out the full cycle network across the city to ensure safer journeys and to provide separation where possible from pedestrians.
Bring public transport back into public ownership and guarantee $30 minimum rate for bus drivers, fewer split shifts and better facilities.
Complete Paneke Pōneke bike network especially the transitional network to ensure everyone can bike or scooter safely and off footpaths.
Introduce road pricing tools, ie congestion charging and bring commercial parking buildings into public ownership to reinvest profits into the city.
Build on our strengths for a better climate friendly transport system that makes sustainable travel an easy first option..
Accelerate the bus network plan with more bus lanes, improved accessible bus stops and pleasant bus shelters that are a joy to use.
Support walking mode shift with clutter free accessible footpaths, better walk connection to school and bus, high value low cost projects.
Make public transport the most effective and cheapest way to move in the region.
Solve Mt Victoria tunnel congestion by moving ahead with rail connection to airport.
Give residents options and alternatives not simply remove street parking.
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