Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand
Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand
I believe our city stands on the cusp of environmental, social, and constitutional transformation. We have the chance to honour Te Tiriti, meet our climate obligations, house our whānau, and grow a thriving, liveable city in the heart of the motu. It's our responsibility to be good ancestors, and leave a legacy for our mokopuna. I love and believe in Wellington, and want to advance our transition into the green, indigenous capital of the world.
I was raised in the Māori governance world. I grew up going to hīkoi with my whānau, and sitting in rūnanga meetings with my pāpā. I'm a staunch supporter of our community, and have worked with marginalised groups to oppose racism, police violence, and profit-driven environmental degradation. I've organised and unionised student workplaces to fight for better pay and conditions. All these experiences have given me a keen sense of relationship-building, advocacy, and tikanga Māori.
Composer/Soldier/Health Admin
Aro Valley
I believe our city stands on the cusp of environmental, social, and constitutional transformation. We have the chance to honour Te Tiriti, meet our climate obligations, house our whānau, and grow a thriving, liveable city in the heart of the motu. It's our responsibility to be good ancestors, and leave a legacy for our mokopuna. I love and believe in Wellington, and want to advance our transition into the green, indigenous capital of the world.
I was raised in the Māori governance world. I grew up going to hīkoi with my whānau, and sitting in rūnanga meetings with my pāpā. I'm a staunch supporter of our community, and have worked with marginalised groups to oppose racism, police violence, and profit-driven environmental degradation. I've organised and unionised student workplaces to fight for better pay and conditions. All these experiences have given me a keen sense of relationship-building, advocacy, and tikanga Māori.
Composer/Soldier/Health Admin
Aro Valley
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