Many councils help support local business and economic development. Some promote tourism in their area, or provide business support services and grants.
Many councils help support local business and economic development. Some promote tourism in their area, or provide business support services and grants.
Ensure that consenting processes are appropriate but are not discouraging businesses from undertaking new ventures/expansion.
Advocate strongly for the ongoing development of Rangiuru Business Park. This will create massive employment opportunities.
Actively encourage government job training initiatives that equip people for work.
Support and progress the Rangiuru Business Park to provide for economic growth and opportunities.
Work with groups such as Priority One and Tourism Bay of Plenty to support local industries and economic opportunities.
Utilise existing structures for internet businesses.
Subsidise employers to take on youth for work experience.
Maintain important infrastructure to all services.
Work with local business to link revenue and enhanced capabilities to deliver so that communities and business can share mutual benefits.
Provide clear and timely strategy and planning around jobs and the economy so business can prepare and enhance evolving opportunities.
Provide and invest in locally led industries that work to keep investment and capital streams within the Western Bay of Plenty community.
Promote more light industry in the district to bring jobs home and reduce need for commuting to Tauranga.
Push for road tunnel through Kaimai Ranges to allow more efficient access to port and region and minimise impact on Karangahake Gorge/State Highway 29.
Ensure current business promotion rates are truly used for business promotion and not diverted to other uses.
Begin the investigation into building an events stadium catering for 15,000 for rectangular sports and up to 40,000 for concerts.
Encourage funding for the stadium from agencies (TECT Regional Council $40m from quayside this year) so it does not cost ratepayers.
Ensure we use local to build the stadium to employ as many local people and businesses as possible.
Ensure that consenting processes are appropriate but are not discouraging businesses from undertaking new ventures/expansion.
Advocate strongly for the ongoing development of Rangiuru Business Park. This will create massive employment opportunities.
Actively encourage government job training initiatives that equip people for work.
Support and progress the Rangiuru Business Park to provide for economic growth and opportunities.
Work with groups such as Priority One and Tourism Bay of Plenty to support local industries and economic opportunities.
Utilise existing structures for internet businesses.
Subsidise employers to take on youth for work experience.
Maintain important infrastructure to all services.
Work with local business to link revenue and enhanced capabilities to deliver so that communities and business can share mutual benefits.
Provide clear and timely strategy and planning around jobs and the economy so business can prepare and enhance evolving opportunities.
Provide and invest in locally led industries that work to keep investment and capital streams within the Western Bay of Plenty community.
Promote more light industry in the district to bring jobs home and reduce need for commuting to Tauranga.
Push for road tunnel through Kaimai Ranges to allow more efficient access to port and region and minimise impact on Karangahake Gorge/State Highway 29.
Ensure current business promotion rates are truly used for business promotion and not diverted to other uses.
Begin the investigation into building an events stadium catering for 15,000 for rectangular sports and up to 40,000 for concerts.
Encourage funding for the stadium from agencies (TECT Regional Council $40m from quayside this year) so it does not cost ratepayers.
Ensure we use local to build the stadium to employ as many local people and businesses as possible.
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