Green Party
| Not currently in parliament
Green Party
| Not currently in parliament
Now more than ever in Ōtautahi and Aotearoa we need green solutions to the complex challenges we face. The only way we can have a government that is focused on people and the future of our planet is by having more Green MPs and this gives me all the motivation I need to be a candidate and to help increase the Green Party vote.
I have extensive political experience, including nine years as an elected member in local government, and six years as a Christchurch City Councillor. Throughout this time, I have represented residents in Ilam and know the issues and opportunities facing us. I have an environmental science degree and have played a key role in improving transport choice and community resilience in Ōtautahi.
Not currently in parliament
Christchurch City Councillor
Not previously in parliament
Did not stand
Now more than ever in Ōtautahi and Aotearoa we need green solutions to the complex challenges we face. The only way we can have a government that is focused on people and the future of our planet is by having more Green MPs and this gives me all the motivation I need to be a candidate and to help increase the Green Party vote.
I have extensive political experience, including nine years as an elected member in local government, and six years as a Christchurch City Councillor. Throughout this time, I have represented residents in Ilam and know the issues and opportunities facing us. I have an environmental science degree and have played a key role in improving transport choice and community resilience in Ōtautahi.
Not currently in parliament
Christchurch City Councillor
Not previously in parliament
Did not stand
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