Green Party
| Not currently in parliament
Green Party
| Not currently in parliament
However flawed the concept might seem, I believe in democracy and how we use it to create a just, equitable and inclusive world. For that I must act and participate in the process. Not by merely voting but having dialogue with communities, exchange ideas, address fears, collaborate and work towards solutions. Using democracy to vitalise it and keep it moving because the world changes all the time. Also to represent Indian/South Asian progressive values.
My primary drivers, not in any particular order: Stand up against and resist the scourge of Hindutva, a global threat to democracy coming out of India with a presence across the diaspora including Aotearoa. I have been an activist since 2006. I am a GP Fellow working in low cost care across diverse communities and want an equitable, accessible and sustainable primary care health system. As a filmmaker/creative, I want a system that sustains artists.
Not currently in parliament
No response provided
Not previously in parliament
Did not stand
However flawed the concept might seem, I believe in democracy and how we use it to create a just, equitable and inclusive world. For that I must act and participate in the process. Not by merely voting but having dialogue with communities, exchange ideas, address fears, collaborate and work towards solutions. Using democracy to vitalise it and keep it moving because the world changes all the time. Also to represent Indian/South Asian progressive values.
My primary drivers, not in any particular order: Stand up against and resist the scourge of Hindutva, a global threat to democracy coming out of India with a presence across the diaspora including Aotearoa. I have been an activist since 2006. I am a GP Fellow working in low cost care across diverse communities and want an equitable, accessible and sustainable primary care health system. As a filmmaker/creative, I want a system that sustains artists.
Not currently in parliament
No response provided
Not previously in parliament
Did not stand
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