Reports of ram-raids and youth offending have put law and order into the spotlight this election. Parties on the right call for tougher sentences and stricter controls on young offenders. Parties on the left say nothing will change unless the causes of crime are addressed, pointing to NZ's high rates of imprisonment and a significant over-representation of Māori.
Reports of ram-raids and youth offending have put law and order into the spotlight this election. Parties on the right call for tougher sentences and stricter controls on young offenders. Parties on the left say nothing will change unless the causes of crime are addressed, pointing to NZ's high rates of imprisonment and a significant over-representation of Māori.
Continue national family and sexual violence elimination strategy
Continue reforms of youth justice family group conference system
Reduce waiting period for divorce in situations of abuse
Empower courts to stop litigation abuse
Continue to support Te Ao Mārama reforms in the courts
Introduce an electronic courts system
Review law on consent
Review safety improvements for victims of serious crime that are being trialled in some courts
Shift responsibility for young offenders from Oranga Tamariki to Corrections
Split Oranga Tamariki social workers' responsibilities into two new roles
Establish a children's monitoring system that is independent from the government
Introduce publicly-reported performance indicators for the Oranga Tamariki CEO
Allow caregivers to make more decisions without permission from Oranga Tamariki or birth parents
Devolve care of vulnerable children to private organisations instead of government
Repeal the Treaty of Waitangi clause in the Oranga Tamariki Act
Make it easier for schools to refer students to Oranga Tamariki
Establish a Māori child protection agency
Review Oranga Tamariki's child protection protocols
Introduce relationship and parenting training
Be a voice for men and masculinity
Establish youth military academies for certain young offenders
Fund community organisations to work with certain young offenders
Establish a commission of inquiry into Gloriavale
Review legislation, policy and practice to meet international human rights obligations for children
Reinstate the Children's Commissioner's independent monitoring powers
Implement the National Strategy for Eliminating Family and Sexual Violence
Enable community-led responses for violence prevention and healing from violence
Prioritise kaupapa Māori solutions to violence
Amend the definition of consent relating to sexual violation
Reform the justice system to prevent re-traumatising victims and survivors
Fund specialist services for victims and perpetrators of violence
Continue national family and sexual violence elimination strategy
Continue reforms of youth justice family group conference system
Reduce waiting period for divorce in situations of abuse
Empower courts to stop litigation abuse
Continue to support Te Ao Mārama reforms in the courts
Introduce an electronic courts system
Review law on consent
Review safety improvements for victims of serious crime that are being trialled in some courts
Shift responsibility for young offenders from Oranga Tamariki to Corrections
Split Oranga Tamariki social workers' responsibilities into two new roles
Establish a children's monitoring system that is independent from the government
Introduce publicly-reported performance indicators for the Oranga Tamariki CEO
Allow caregivers to make more decisions without permission from Oranga Tamariki or birth parents
Devolve care of vulnerable children to private organisations instead of government
Repeal the Treaty of Waitangi clause in the Oranga Tamariki Act
Make it easier for schools to refer students to Oranga Tamariki
Establish a Māori child protection agency
Review Oranga Tamariki's child protection protocols
Introduce relationship and parenting training
Be a voice for men and masculinity
Establish youth military academies for certain young offenders
Fund community organisations to work with certain young offenders
Establish a commission of inquiry into Gloriavale
Review legislation, policy and practice to meet international human rights obligations for children
Reinstate the Children's Commissioner's independent monitoring powers
Implement the National Strategy for Eliminating Family and Sexual Violence
Enable community-led responses for violence prevention and healing from violence
Prioritise kaupapa Māori solutions to violence
Amend the definition of consent relating to sexual violation
Reform the justice system to prevent re-traumatising victims and survivors
Fund specialist services for victims and perpetrators of violence
Compare the parties’ positions on the key issues this election
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Each part of the country is represented in Parliament by an electorate MP. We've asked every candidate about their priorities for your community and why they deserve your vote.