Green Party
| Not currently in parliament
Green Party
| Not currently in parliament
I'm running in the Port Waikato electorate because we need strong Green Party representation in government. We need real solutions and a government that will enable us to cut climate pollution faster, provide everyone with a decent life and restore the health of nature. I want to advocate for my community to make sure that we all live dignified lives, and that can't happen without finding real solutions for people, planet and well-being.
Coming from a rural background and living in this community my whole life has made me passionate to help work through the difficulties that our community faces. I have a strong commitment to ecological care and sustainability, particularly in the light of climate change. I'd also like to see better health and well-being outcomes for our community. I'm passionate about health and fitness, and support access to recreational and sporting facilities for everyone.
Not currently in parliament
Not previously in parliament
Did not stand
I'm running in the Port Waikato electorate because we need strong Green Party representation in government. We need real solutions and a government that will enable us to cut climate pollution faster, provide everyone with a decent life and restore the health of nature. I want to advocate for my community to make sure that we all live dignified lives, and that can't happen without finding real solutions for people, planet and well-being.
Coming from a rural background and living in this community my whole life has made me passionate to help work through the difficulties that our community faces. I have a strong commitment to ecological care and sustainability, particularly in the light of climate change. I'd also like to see better health and well-being outcomes for our community. I'm passionate about health and fitness, and support access to recreational and sporting facilities for everyone.
Not currently in parliament
Not previously in parliament
Did not stand
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