Green Party
| Not currently in parliament
Green Party
| Not currently in parliament
Aotearoa New Zealand, the land of milk and honey. We produce enough food to feed eight times our population. We have an abundance of natural resources with extensive forests, farmland and the ninth largest economic zone (including our territorial waters) in the world. And yet… Too many of our families do not have a secure healthy home, access to healthy fresh food and we are not meeting our commitments to address climate change.
I have lived and worked in Southland for most of my life. I have been nationally recognised for my leadership in education and currently hold a number of local and national governance roles relating to farmers' markets and food resilience, community housing, environmental issues and museum governance and development. I have experience in facilitating difficult discussions, strategic planning and building collaborative action within diverse communities. I believe in effective consultation and evidence-based decision making.
Not currently in parliament
Gladstone, Invercargill
Not previously in parliament
Not elected
Aotearoa New Zealand, the land of milk and honey. We produce enough food to feed eight times our population. We have an abundance of natural resources with extensive forests, farmland and the ninth largest economic zone (including our territorial waters) in the world. And yet… Too many of our families do not have a secure healthy home, access to healthy fresh food and we are not meeting our commitments to address climate change.
I have lived and worked in Southland for most of my life. I have been nationally recognised for my leadership in education and currently hold a number of local and national governance roles relating to farmers' markets and food resilience, community housing, environmental issues and museum governance and development. I have experience in facilitating difficult discussions, strategic planning and building collaborative action within diverse communities. I believe in effective consultation and evidence-based decision making.
Not currently in parliament
Gladstone, Invercargill
Not previously in parliament
Not elected
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