Environment Southland

Invercargill-Rakiura Constituency
Environment Southland is the regional council for Southland. It makes decisions about managing resources in the region, such as air, water, soil and the coastline. It also carries out plant and pest control, helps prepare for natural disasters, and is involved in regional transport. The council is made up of 12 councillors. Councillors are elected to represent constituencies (areas in the region). Six councillors will be elected from the Invercargill-Rakiura constituency. This is a first past the post (FPP) election, so you vote by ticking the name of your preferred candidate on your ballot paper. Compare the candidates and their policies to decide who to vote for in the Environment Southland election.

Climate change and resilience

Climate change poses a huge challenge for communities as more frequent extreme weather events require us to rethink how we live and where. Local authorities are at the forefront of efforts to respond, with responsibilities for environmental planning and regulation, as well as civil defence. Many councils have plans to reduce emissions in their area and are working to help their communities adapt to a warming world.

Climate change and resilience

Climate change poses a huge challenge for communities as more frequent extreme weather events require us to rethink how we live and where. Local authorities are at the forefront of efforts to respond, with responsibilities for environmental planning and regulation, as well as civil defence. Many councils have plans to reduce emissions in their area and are working to help their communities adapt to a warming world.

  • Commit to nationally agreed to greenhouse gas emissions reduction obligations by setting specific regional targets for business, agriculture and transport.

    Build resilience in the community to withstand adverse effects of extreme weather, eg floods and droughts.

    Ensure plans are in place to respond to large earthquakes and tsunami, so that lives are protected and costs are minimised.

  • Protect the integrity of Southland's rivers management by ensuring stopbanks are fit for purpose.

    Review management and maintenance plans for all stopbanks.

    Ensure Emergency Management (Civil Defence) has the resources to respond effectively.

  • Require major emitters to reform their activities.

    Make food and water resources climate-ready.

    Support just transition to carbon-zero lifestyles.

  • Lead the establishment and objectives of region-wide approaches to climate change mitigation, adaptation and prevention.

    Advocate for youth hui and initiatives as avenues for new thinking and solution finders for climate issues.

    Promote urban opportunities for education, engagement and representation in carbon-neutral developments.

  • Focus on growing community and environmental resilience. Building climate change resilience is essential.

    Prevent the erosion of old landfills and protect existing infrastructure.

    Plan for early responses to long-term forecasts of drought; support people to get drought ready.

  • Ensure that council reduces its own emissions across all activities.

    Plan for adaptations to climate change pressures on water supplies and land uses.

    Encouraging and supporting communities to prepare for the effects of weather extremes and the predicted Alpine Fault major earthquake.

  • Commit to nationally agreed to greenhouse gas emissions reduction obligations by setting specific regional targets for business, agriculture and transport.

    Build resilience in the community to withstand adverse effects of extreme weather, eg floods and droughts.

    Ensure plans are in place to respond to large earthquakes and tsunami, so that lives are protected and costs are minimised.

  • Protect the integrity of Southland's rivers management by ensuring stopbanks are fit for purpose.

    Review management and maintenance plans for all stopbanks.

    Ensure Emergency Management (Civil Defence) has the resources to respond effectively.

  • Require major emitters to reform their activities.

    Make food and water resources climate-ready.

    Support just transition to carbon-zero lifestyles.

  • Lead the establishment and objectives of region-wide approaches to climate change mitigation, adaptation and prevention.

    Advocate for youth hui and initiatives as avenues for new thinking and solution finders for climate issues.

    Promote urban opportunities for education, engagement and representation in carbon-neutral developments.

  • Focus on growing community and environmental resilience. Building climate change resilience is essential.

    Prevent the erosion of old landfills and protect existing infrastructure.

    Plan for early responses to long-term forecasts of drought; support people to get drought ready.

  • Ensure that council reduces its own emissions across all activities.

    Plan for adaptations to climate change pressures on water supplies and land uses.

    Encouraging and supporting communities to prepare for the effects of weather extremes and the predicted Alpine Fault major earthquake.