I believe I have the skills to represent our Hastings community from which I whakapapa to. I have held various governance roles and I have been encouraged to stand for a Takitimu ward seat by those who I respect.
I have worked in areas contributing to whānau wellbeing and have a background in health. I have held various governance roles over the years and understand the role of governance and strategy. I am well connected into the Hastings District through my whānau friends and work.
CE Wharariki Charitable Trust
Pukehamoamoa Hastings
I believe I have the skills to represent our Hastings community from which I whakapapa to. I have held various governance roles and I have been encouraged to stand for a Takitimu ward seat by those who I respect.
I have worked in areas contributing to whānau wellbeing and have a background in health. I have held various governance roles over the years and understand the role of governance and strategy. I am well connected into the Hastings District through my whānau friends and work.
CE Wharariki Charitable Trust
Pukehamoamoa Hastings
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