Local councils are responsible for land use planning under the Resource Management Act, which affects where and how new houses are constructed, as well as the design of cities and towns. In some areas, councils also provide housing to those who need it most.
Local councils are responsible for land use planning under the Resource Management Act, which affects where and how new houses are constructed, as well as the design of cities and towns. In some areas, councils also provide housing to those who need it most.
Allow Kāpiti Airport to close with part to be developed for mixed housing.
Facilitate more affordable housing, permit three storey intensification near transport hubs.
Start improvements to Margaret Road in Raumati for shoppers and businesses. Improve cycling and walking facilities, especially for children.
Fast track our current housing mahi, getting houses built for those who need them most in partnership with a Community Land trust and iwi.
Work alongside mana whenua to enable papakainga, intergenerational living and provision of tiny home developments.
Incorporate inclusionary zoning into our district plan.
Allow Kāpiti Airport to close with part to be developed for mixed housing.
Facilitate more affordable housing, permit three storey intensification near transport hubs.
Start improvements to Margaret Road in Raumati for shoppers and businesses. Improve cycling and walking facilities, especially for children.
Fast track our current housing mahi, getting houses built for those who need them most in partnership with a Community Land trust and iwi.
Work alongside mana whenua to enable papakainga, intergenerational living and provision of tiny home developments.
Incorporate inclusionary zoning into our district plan.
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