Kāpiti Coast District Council

Waikanae Ward
The Kāpiti Coast District Council provides local services and facilities, such as public transport, rubbish and recycling, libraries, parks, and recreation facilities. It also makes decisions about building and planning, local regulations, and infrastructure, such as water supply and sewerage. The council is made up of 10 councillors and the mayor. Two councillors will be elected from the Waikanae ward. The other councillors will be elected from other wards or by all voters in the district. This is a single transferable vote (STV) election, so you vote by ranking the candidates on your ballot paper. Compare the candidates and their policies to decide who to vote for in the Kāpiti Coast District Council election.

Local democracy

Local government is a foundational part of our democracy. But local democracy isn’t just about holding elections every three years – it’s about the day-to-day ways people have their say in the decisions that affect us all.

Local democracy

Local government is a foundational part of our democracy. But local democracy isn’t just about holding elections every three years – it’s about the day-to-day ways people have their say in the decisions that affect us all.

  • Empower the boards. The current council's bid to get rid of community boards was short sighted. Fortunately their decision was overturned.

    Continue current arrangements regarding iwi representation and input to Kāpiti Coast District Council, they seem to work quite well.

    Support a living wage for Kāpiti Council. Far too much is spent on consultants and lawyers and this dependence needs to stop.

  • Empower the boards. The current council's bid to get rid of community boards was short sighted. Fortunately their decision was overturned.

    Continue current arrangements regarding iwi representation and input to Kāpiti Coast District Council, they seem to work quite well.

    Support a living wage for Kāpiti Council. Far too much is spent on consultants and lawyers and this dependence needs to stop.