Climate change poses a huge challenge for communities as more frequent extreme weather events require us to rethink how we live and where. Local authorities are at the forefront of efforts to respond, with responsibilities for environmental planning and regulation, as well as civil defence. Many councils have plans to reduce emissions in their area and are working to help their communities adapt to a warming world.
Climate change poses a huge challenge for communities as more frequent extreme weather events require us to rethink how we live and where. Local authorities are at the forefront of efforts to respond, with responsibilities for environmental planning and regulation, as well as civil defence. Many councils have plans to reduce emissions in their area and are working to help their communities adapt to a warming world.
Address climate change which will impact much of the Petone Community Board area.
Support reducing greenhouses gases which are a driver of climate change and will pursue initiatives in the Board area to support this.
Work to see the Petone Community Board area be ready to respond to natural disasters.
Look at the cost/benefits of council commitments. Are we prioritizing climate change at the expense of communities?
Earthquake strengthening – is there a better way to manage this?
At risk roads/communities – frequent landslips/blocked roads, eg Korokoro – can this be managed preventatively?
Place climate and environment at the centre of the decisions we make for now and the future through strategies, planning, and collaboration.
Build up robust local communities to strengthen resilience and proactively build awareness, engagement, dialogue, plans and action.
Lead local action and education towards a resilient net zero carbon area as soon as possible and empower and enable others in achieving this goal.
Address climate change which will impact much of the Petone Community Board area.
Support reducing greenhouses gases which are a driver of climate change and will pursue initiatives in the Board area to support this.
Work to see the Petone Community Board area be ready to respond to natural disasters.
Look at the cost/benefits of council commitments. Are we prioritizing climate change at the expense of communities?
Earthquake strengthening – is there a better way to manage this?
At risk roads/communities – frequent landslips/blocked roads, eg Korokoro – can this be managed preventatively?
Place climate and environment at the centre of the decisions we make for now and the future through strategies, planning, and collaboration.
Build up robust local communities to strengthen resilience and proactively build awareness, engagement, dialogue, plans and action.
Lead local action and education towards a resilient net zero carbon area as soon as possible and empower and enable others in achieving this goal.
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