Rangiora-Ashley Community Board

Rangiora Subdivision
The Rangiora-Ashley Community Board represents your local community and advocates to Waimakariri District Council about local issues, including public transport and facilities such as libraries and parks. The board is made up of eight members. Members are elected to represent different subdivisions within the community board area. Six members will be elected from your area. This is a first past the post (FPP) election, so you vote by ticking the name of your preferred candidate on your ballot paper. Compare the candidates and their policies to decide who to vote for in the Rangiora-Ashley Community Board election.

Eve Mullins


Eve Mullins


Why I'm standing

Rangiora as a town rocks. Great shopping, facilities and best of all friendly. It's growing rapidly and with that come challenges with ensuring facilities grow with it, such as doctors, dentists, and emergency services. The community needs to be more involved in the solutions. Know their councillors and community board members so they can affect change. Our rates are the third highest in NZ – why? Time to question is now.

About me

I am a businesswoman, wife, and mum. I move within this community daily. I want to be part of using my skills to effect change. I am a strong advocate for everybody having a voice.

My priorities
  1. Listening to what the community really want from a community board member and actioning it.
  2. Reporting back weekly. Staying connected in the three-year term, so voting is seamless.
  3. Getting to the bottom of our high rates!
Before politics



Rangiora Ashley ward



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Why I'm standing

Rangiora as a town rocks. Great shopping, facilities and best of all friendly. It's growing rapidly and with that come challenges with ensuring facilities grow with it, such as doctors, dentists, and emergency services. The community needs to be more involved in the solutions. Know their councillors and community board members so they can affect change. Our rates are the third highest in NZ – why? Time to question is now.

About me

I am a businesswoman, wife, and mum. I move within this community daily. I want to be part of using my skills to effect change. I am a strong advocate for everybody having a voice.

My priorities
  1. Listening to what the community really want from a community board member and actioning it.
  2. Reporting back weekly. Staying connected in the three-year term, so voting is seamless.
  3. Getting to the bottom of our high rates!
Before politics



Rangiora Ashley ward



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