I would like the opportunity, and believe I have the necessary skills, to make sensible decisions that will enhance the environment for the benefit of my community and for the benefit of the environment itself.
I have worked as a planner for various councils and as a consultant for over 20 years. Consequently, I have a good understanding of council processes. Currently, I work part-time as a lecturer at the University of Canterbury and am used to synthesising ideas, reading and critiquing reports. I have also been involved in many community organisations including Plunket, school board, tennis club, Information centre, Community House and the Coastal Panel.
Part-time lecturer
I would like the opportunity, and believe I have the necessary skills, to make sensible decisions that will enhance the environment for the benefit of my community and for the benefit of the environment itself.
I have worked as a planner for various councils and as a consultant for over 20 years. Consequently, I have a good understanding of council processes. Currently, I work part-time as a lecturer at the University of Canterbury and am used to synthesising ideas, reading and critiquing reports. I have also been involved in many community organisations including Plunket, school board, tennis club, Information centre, Community House and the Coastal Panel.
Part-time lecturer
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