Upper Harbour Local Board

The Upper Harbour Local Board is one of 21 local boards in Auckland. The local board makes a plan for your area and decides on local issues, activities and facilities. It also oversees council services and facilities in your area, including libraries and parks. The local board is made up of six members. This is a first past the post (FPP) election, so you vote by ticking the name of your preferred candidate on your ballot paper. Compare the candidates and their policies to decide who to vote for in the Upper Harbour Local Board election.


Helping communities get from A to B is a key responsibility of local government, from making sure the buses run on time to providing car parking and walking and cycling paths. Whether public transport is the responsibility of the regional or local council depends on where you are in the country. Local councils also own 87% of New Zealand’s roads.


Helping communities get from A to B is a key responsibility of local government, from making sure the buses run on time to providing car parking and walking and cycling paths. Whether public transport is the responsibility of the regional or local council depends on where you are in the country. Local councils also own 87% of New Zealand’s roads.

  • Report and advocate regularly on behalf of ratepayers, residents to stakeholders AT, AC, Waka Kotahi and government to expedite safety concerns.

    Communicate Safe School Travel Plans to improve road safety around schools and promote community awareness of school zones.

    Advocate for cheaper public transport. Create safe cycle lanes, footpaths, fill buses to reduce our carbon footprint and our traffic woes.

  • Advocate for greater frequent public transport that reaches all corners of Upper Harbour.

    Advocate for new walking and cycling paths, where they connect to existing paths, to make the whole journey safer.

    Invest local board discretionary transport capital funds into projects that provide for safer paths and road crossings.

  • Encourage policy which leads to more cycleways to popular destination points.

    Encourage policy which leads to cycleways alongside arterial and motorway extensions.

    Encourage cycleways through green areas and the linking of those green areas.

  • Work with Auckland transport for a bus for Pāremoremo community, and other transport solutions for areas needing better connection.

    Commit to more frequent and late evening ferry to/from Hobsonville Point, West Harbour and drive accessibility and activate the business precincts.

    Work with Auckland Transport to determine better traffic management options such as roundabout for areas versus traffic lights to keep traffic flowing.

  • Create safe walking and cycling paths that connect the neighbourhoods of Upper Harbour to each other and to other parts of Auckland.

    Lobby for more frequent and better integrated public transport services that meet the needs of more communities in Upper Harbour, more often.

    Encourage and support initiatives that alleviate traffic congestion such as better connected active and public transport, rideshare, remote work.

  • Advocate to Auckland Transport to improve safety and traffic flow at the Avenue/Dairy Flat Highway and the Upper Harbour Drive/Albany Highway intersections.

    Advocate for the Gills Link Road and completion of the missing link in the Kyle Road footpath so residents and students can use this new path.

    Advocate for expansion of affordable public transport services and promote active transport in all areas of Upper Harbour.

  • Work with council to fix those potholes on our roads!

    Work with council to ease the congestion on Brigham Creek Road to Kumeū.

    Improve public transport including ferries.

  • Triangulate between Auckland Transport, council and the local board to regularly funnel in and feedback the "burning issues" – parking, empty buses, ferry frequency.

    Set up finite, well-defined, time-lined projects around improving road safety, eg speed limit signs, speed bumps at schools, kids' awareness.

    Start an Upper Harbour Local Board sub-committee with qualified, local experts to improve on very important areas – traffic flow management, parking, urban design.

  • Trial dedicated shuttle buses for cyclist and their cycles to run from Onewa Road to Fanshawe Street.

    Remove barriers/separators on Upper Harbour Drive.

    Commuters should be incentivised to use public transport, not penalised with exorbitant car parking fees at park and ride carparks.

  • Forge seamless smooth transport infrastructure, with significantly reduced road congestion with innovative Aucklanders' ideas and rewards.

    Increase public transport, cycling, share bikes, road safety and user friendly transport options without added costs, road congestion.

    Create safe, cheaper affordable reduced disability travel city wide on taxis, shuttles, and transport providers for all disabled and carers.

  • Ensure our Local Board Capital Transport Fund is spent wisely on projects that promote active transport in the most efficient manner.

    Advocate to Auckland Transport to provide better public transport, footpaths and cycleways in underserved areas. Many areas are lacking.

    Advocate to ensure upgrades and renewals of roads also include upgrades to associated active transport infrastructure.

  • Advocate to Auckland Transport to proactively deliver safe connections across Upper Harbour, particularly to new developments.

    Prioritise investment to projects that deliver the most network benefits for safety, our economy, public health, and social outcomes.

    Support plans to provide a fit-for-purpose, accessible and safe network of pathways and cycleways across our neighbourhoods.

  • Report and advocate regularly on behalf of ratepayers, residents to stakeholders AT, AC, Waka Kotahi and government to expedite safety concerns.

    Communicate Safe School Travel Plans to improve road safety around schools and promote community awareness of school zones.

    Advocate for cheaper public transport. Create safe cycle lanes, footpaths, fill buses to reduce our carbon footprint and our traffic woes.

  • Advocate for greater frequent public transport that reaches all corners of Upper Harbour.

    Advocate for new walking and cycling paths, where they connect to existing paths, to make the whole journey safer.

    Invest local board discretionary transport capital funds into projects that provide for safer paths and road crossings.

  • Encourage policy which leads to more cycleways to popular destination points.

    Encourage policy which leads to cycleways alongside arterial and motorway extensions.

    Encourage cycleways through green areas and the linking of those green areas.

  • Work with Auckland transport for a bus for Pāremoremo community, and other transport solutions for areas needing better connection.

    Commit to more frequent and late evening ferry to/from Hobsonville Point, West Harbour and drive accessibility and activate the business precincts.

    Work with Auckland Transport to determine better traffic management options such as roundabout for areas versus traffic lights to keep traffic flowing.

  • Create safe walking and cycling paths that connect the neighbourhoods of Upper Harbour to each other and to other parts of Auckland.

    Lobby for more frequent and better integrated public transport services that meet the needs of more communities in Upper Harbour, more often.

    Encourage and support initiatives that alleviate traffic congestion such as better connected active and public transport, rideshare, remote work.

  • Advocate to Auckland Transport to improve safety and traffic flow at the Avenue/Dairy Flat Highway and the Upper Harbour Drive/Albany Highway intersections.

    Advocate for the Gills Link Road and completion of the missing link in the Kyle Road footpath so residents and students can use this new path.

    Advocate for expansion of affordable public transport services and promote active transport in all areas of Upper Harbour.

  • Work with council to fix those potholes on our roads!

    Work with council to ease the congestion on Brigham Creek Road to Kumeū.

    Improve public transport including ferries.

  • Triangulate between Auckland Transport, council and the local board to regularly funnel in and feedback the "burning issues" – parking, empty buses, ferry frequency.

    Set up finite, well-defined, time-lined projects around improving road safety, eg speed limit signs, speed bumps at schools, kids' awareness.

    Start an Upper Harbour Local Board sub-committee with qualified, local experts to improve on very important areas – traffic flow management, parking, urban design.

  • Trial dedicated shuttle buses for cyclist and their cycles to run from Onewa Road to Fanshawe Street.

    Remove barriers/separators on Upper Harbour Drive.

    Commuters should be incentivised to use public transport, not penalised with exorbitant car parking fees at park and ride carparks.

  • Forge seamless smooth transport infrastructure, with significantly reduced road congestion with innovative Aucklanders' ideas and rewards.

    Increase public transport, cycling, share bikes, road safety and user friendly transport options without added costs, road congestion.

    Create safe, cheaper affordable reduced disability travel city wide on taxis, shuttles, and transport providers for all disabled and carers.

  • Ensure our Local Board Capital Transport Fund is spent wisely on projects that promote active transport in the most efficient manner.

    Advocate to Auckland Transport to provide better public transport, footpaths and cycleways in underserved areas. Many areas are lacking.

    Advocate to ensure upgrades and renewals of roads also include upgrades to associated active transport infrastructure.

  • Advocate to Auckland Transport to proactively deliver safe connections across Upper Harbour, particularly to new developments.

    Prioritise investment to projects that deliver the most network benefits for safety, our economy, public health, and social outcomes.

    Support plans to provide a fit-for-purpose, accessible and safe network of pathways and cycleways across our neighbourhoods.

Auckland Council - Find Candidates
Auckland Council - Find Candidates