Many councils help support local business and economic development. Some promote tourism in their area, or provide business support services and grants.
Many councils help support local business and economic development. Some promote tourism in their area, or provide business support services and grants.
Continue with the economic stimulus package to ensure employment and business growth in Upper Hutt.
Work with employment agencies to encourage the youth of Upper Hutt into workplaces.
Encourage private ventures such as Brewtown and ensure the council is always open to the next big thing.
Join the Local Government New Zealand Youth Employment Taskforce which focuses on youth employment in our community.
Grow the capabilities of our economic development portfolio including funding and additional staff to work with developers and businesses.
Enhance our economic development strategy through engagement with the Wellington Regional Growth Framework.
Council will create an environment for businesses to invest in our city. The investment over the last three years shows I have achieved that.
Maintain a focus on infrastructure so that businesses and developers have confidence to invest in the city. This will create employment.
Work with the business community to make sure we are working together to enhance the city.
Work with new and existing businesses to foster opportunities for them to grow and ensure Upper Hutt has a strong economy.
Support local initiatives to improve employment opportunities that will enable our young people to build their futures here.
Advocate for our rural businesses to have access to the reliable internet services they need to operate safely and efficiently.
Continue with the economic stimulus package to ensure employment and business growth in Upper Hutt.
Work with employment agencies to encourage the youth of Upper Hutt into workplaces.
Encourage private ventures such as Brewtown and ensure the council is always open to the next big thing.
Join the Local Government New Zealand Youth Employment Taskforce which focuses on youth employment in our community.
Grow the capabilities of our economic development portfolio including funding and additional staff to work with developers and businesses.
Enhance our economic development strategy through engagement with the Wellington Regional Growth Framework.
Council will create an environment for businesses to invest in our city. The investment over the last three years shows I have achieved that.
Maintain a focus on infrastructure so that businesses and developers have confidence to invest in the city. This will create employment.
Work with the business community to make sure we are working together to enhance the city.
Work with new and existing businesses to foster opportunities for them to grow and ensure Upper Hutt has a strong economy.
Support local initiatives to improve employment opportunities that will enable our young people to build their futures here.
Advocate for our rural businesses to have access to the reliable internet services they need to operate safely and efficiently.
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