Many councils help support local business and economic development. Some promote tourism in their area, or provide business support services and grants.
Many councils help support local business and economic development. Some promote tourism in their area, or provide business support services and grants.
Regular meetings with our business community to hear their concerns.
Supporting local tourism opportunities as they arise.
Supporting our young people with opportunities such as council led role play or training.
Upper Hutt has a booming economy, and council's role is to support that with improved roads. Regional hubs for business dojos and remote working.
Build a much clearer identity for Upper Hutt as a tourist and recreation destination, both regionally and nationally.
Develop a clear economic development policy for growth, to attract new business and support existing ones.
Support youth employment and mentoring as part of a wider initiative to encourage and develop local business.
Work with the brewing industry to grow Upper Hutt as a nexus for brewing by attracting new firms and relocating existing firms to Upper Hutt.
Commit to mitigate and manage the housing price decline with sustainable rates rebalancing from capital gains to land value tax.
Investigate whether Upper Hutt City Council should invest to found a bank to provide local financial services to residents and business.
Make it a mandatory council policy to give a percentage of council contracts to local businesses.
Invest in first class infrastructure to make doing business in Upper Hutt as easy as possible.
Work with local businesses to encourage consumers to return to the Main Street.
Work with local authorities in the Wellington Region to grow business opportunities we can all benefit from, eg working closer to home.
Luckily we have a thriving small industry sector with a good workforce. Council needs to cooperate with business and help to encourage more.
Roading is poor and needs real investment to keep us thriving. Other infrastructure like State Highway 2 is now not fit for purpose and needs rerouting.
Pull half of Main St. down and start again. I would love to have a blank sheet on this but cant see it happening. But look at the opportunities.
Promote local businesses. Upper Hutt city has lots of resources used for daily living as it covers large farming areas.
Enhance tourism in Upper Hutt in 2024. Upper Hutt consists of lots of natural beauties like Hutt River, hills, waterfall etc.
Strengthen employment in Upper Hutt: Upper Hutt has the possibility of improving local employment from factory sector to local business.
Continue with the economic stimulus package to ensure employment and business growth in Upper Hutt.
Work with employment agencies to encourage the youth of Upper Hutt into workplaces.
Encourage private ventures such as Brewtown and ensure the council is always open to the next big thing.
Join the Local Government New Zealand Youth Employment Taskforce which focuses on youth employment in our community.
Grow the capabilities of our economic development portfolio including funding and additional staff to work with developers and businesses.
Enhance our economic development strategy through engagement with the Wellington Regional Growth Framework.
Work with the owners of The Mall to get them to reconsider their recent carpark charges to encourage locals to shop local.
Explore the concept of holding a Saturday morning community carboot/craft fair in the carpark between The Mall and Montgomery Theatre.
Explore a well lit pedestrian and bicycle friendly connection between Brewtown and the city centre via Maidstone Park.
Collaborate with key business owners to reactivate and revitalise the inner city.
Work with business leaders to explore opportunities for unused commercial spaces eg temporary art hubs, activation play centres etc.
Prioritise and support development which provides employment, learning opportunities and value for our residents.
Develop a transport plan to ensure roading and public transport is efficient and effective.
Provide infrastructure at an affordable price.
Continue with the Upper Hutt Council's economic stimulus policy.
Work with developers to upgrade/increase the retail stock in the Upper Hutt CBD area.
Work with developers to develop the large area of currently vacant buildings along Main Street with a view to having council partnership.
Work with local businesses to ensure they are accessible to all clientele.
Work with local businesses to support young people to gain work experience.
Regular meetings with our business community to hear their concerns.
Supporting local tourism opportunities as they arise.
Supporting our young people with opportunities such as council led role play or training.
Upper Hutt has a booming economy, and council's role is to support that with improved roads. Regional hubs for business dojos and remote working.
Build a much clearer identity for Upper Hutt as a tourist and recreation destination, both regionally and nationally.
Develop a clear economic development policy for growth, to attract new business and support existing ones.
Support youth employment and mentoring as part of a wider initiative to encourage and develop local business.
Work with the brewing industry to grow Upper Hutt as a nexus for brewing by attracting new firms and relocating existing firms to Upper Hutt.
Commit to mitigate and manage the housing price decline with sustainable rates rebalancing from capital gains to land value tax.
Investigate whether Upper Hutt City Council should invest to found a bank to provide local financial services to residents and business.
Make it a mandatory council policy to give a percentage of council contracts to local businesses.
Invest in first class infrastructure to make doing business in Upper Hutt as easy as possible.
Work with local businesses to encourage consumers to return to the Main Street.
Work with local authorities in the Wellington Region to grow business opportunities we can all benefit from, eg working closer to home.
Luckily we have a thriving small industry sector with a good workforce. Council needs to cooperate with business and help to encourage more.
Roading is poor and needs real investment to keep us thriving. Other infrastructure like State Highway 2 is now not fit for purpose and needs rerouting.
Pull half of Main St. down and start again. I would love to have a blank sheet on this but cant see it happening. But look at the opportunities.
Promote local businesses. Upper Hutt city has lots of resources used for daily living as it covers large farming areas.
Enhance tourism in Upper Hutt in 2024. Upper Hutt consists of lots of natural beauties like Hutt River, hills, waterfall etc.
Strengthen employment in Upper Hutt: Upper Hutt has the possibility of improving local employment from factory sector to local business.
Continue with the economic stimulus package to ensure employment and business growth in Upper Hutt.
Work with employment agencies to encourage the youth of Upper Hutt into workplaces.
Encourage private ventures such as Brewtown and ensure the council is always open to the next big thing.
Join the Local Government New Zealand Youth Employment Taskforce which focuses on youth employment in our community.
Grow the capabilities of our economic development portfolio including funding and additional staff to work with developers and businesses.
Enhance our economic development strategy through engagement with the Wellington Regional Growth Framework.
Work with the owners of The Mall to get them to reconsider their recent carpark charges to encourage locals to shop local.
Explore the concept of holding a Saturday morning community carboot/craft fair in the carpark between The Mall and Montgomery Theatre.
Explore a well lit pedestrian and bicycle friendly connection between Brewtown and the city centre via Maidstone Park.
Collaborate with key business owners to reactivate and revitalise the inner city.
Work with business leaders to explore opportunities for unused commercial spaces eg temporary art hubs, activation play centres etc.
Prioritise and support development which provides employment, learning opportunities and value for our residents.
Develop a transport plan to ensure roading and public transport is efficient and effective.
Provide infrastructure at an affordable price.
Continue with the Upper Hutt Council's economic stimulus policy.
Work with developers to upgrade/increase the retail stock in the Upper Hutt CBD area.
Work with developers to develop the large area of currently vacant buildings along Main Street with a view to having council partnership.
Work with local businesses to ensure they are accessible to all clientele.
Work with local businesses to support young people to gain work experience.
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