Many councils help support local business and economic development. Some promote tourism in their area, or provide business support services and grants.
Many councils help support local business and economic development. Some promote tourism in their area, or provide business support services and grants.
Support district growth, more iconic events, making the district a vibrant place to live and attractive to commercial operators.
Ratepayers they/we are not an endless source of money.
Support local growers to supply local retailers, which will reduce food miles and provide a unique retail offering.
Promote Waimakariri as a great place to set up business – less people commuting to Christchurch. Help local businesses employ local people.
Promote Waimakariri attractions to bring tourists into our towns to spend money in our local economy. Especially our hospitality businesses.
Promote quality events within our towns which will bring people in from outside areas to shop and spend money in our local economy.
Streamline processes so small and medium businesses can easily access information to encourage local employment and services.
Connect council with small and medium businesses and continually engage with them on plans and proposals that may affect them.
Give local businesses a real opportunity to work on council projects and wherever possible give weighting to local suppliers.
To create customer friendly conditions to make it appealing for the public to go shopping like easy car access and plenty of parking.
As a council we need to do all we can make Waimak an attractive business and shopping experience.
To challenge the central government's plan to limit the number of cars on the road in Waimak. The public transport is not in place for this.
Commit to a local trades panel to ensure local trades receive work. Change weighting of contractors to benefit local operators
Commit to reviewing contractors agreements and levels of service with increased auditing of outcomes in roading, drainage and green space.
Commit to support Enterprise North Canterbury (ENC) to attract new businesses and assist existing businesses in difficult economic times.
Support district growth, more iconic events, making the district a vibrant place to live and attractive to commercial operators.
Ratepayers they/we are not an endless source of money.
Support local growers to supply local retailers, which will reduce food miles and provide a unique retail offering.
Promote Waimakariri as a great place to set up business – less people commuting to Christchurch. Help local businesses employ local people.
Promote Waimakariri attractions to bring tourists into our towns to spend money in our local economy. Especially our hospitality businesses.
Promote quality events within our towns which will bring people in from outside areas to shop and spend money in our local economy.
Streamline processes so small and medium businesses can easily access information to encourage local employment and services.
Connect council with small and medium businesses and continually engage with them on plans and proposals that may affect them.
Give local businesses a real opportunity to work on council projects and wherever possible give weighting to local suppliers.
To create customer friendly conditions to make it appealing for the public to go shopping like easy car access and plenty of parking.
As a council we need to do all we can make Waimak an attractive business and shopping experience.
To challenge the central government's plan to limit the number of cars on the road in Waimak. The public transport is not in place for this.
Commit to a local trades panel to ensure local trades receive work. Change weighting of contractors to benefit local operators
Commit to reviewing contractors agreements and levels of service with increased auditing of outcomes in roading, drainage and green space.
Commit to support Enterprise North Canterbury (ENC) to attract new businesses and assist existing businesses in difficult economic times.
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