West Coast Regional Council

Buller Constituency
The West Coast Regional Council makes decisions about managing resources in the region, such as air, water, soil and the coastline. It also carries out plant and pest control, helps prepare for natural disasters, and is involved in regional transport. The council is made up of seven councillors. Councillors are elected to represent constituencies (areas in the region). Two councillors will be elected from the Buller constituency. This is a first past the post (FPP) election, so you vote by ticking the name of your preferred candidate on your ballot paper. Compare the candidates and their policies to decide who to vote for in the West Coast Regional Council election.

Local democracy

Local government is a foundational part of our democracy. But local democracy isn’t just about holding elections every three years – it’s about the day-to-day ways people have their say in the decisions that affect us all.

Local democracy

Local government is a foundational part of our democracy. But local democracy isn’t just about holding elections every three years – it’s about the day-to-day ways people have their say in the decisions that affect us all.

  • Listen to and advocate on concerns raised by the community.

    Advance a procurement policy that is updated on an annual basis.

  • The West Coast in distance is the same as from Wellington to Auckland. We have four councils with a population of 32,000. Consider one council.

    The West Coast has 86% of its land closed to conservation. Consider returning stewardship land back to the councils as rateable land.

    Councils need to recognise and reward the work of volunteers. Fund parades and public events.

  • Support democratic process and public engagement.

    Support councils to be living wage employers.

    Support engagement of tangata whenua and ethnic and marginalised communities.

  • I adhere to the principals of transparency: fairness, integrity, lawfulness and value for money. Engagement with all community sectors is key.

    Employment, safety, health and well-being polices are key to setting the environment to attract and retain skilled and capable employees.

    The future of local government needs to be a key focus. We must maintain the right to govern and manage the region's resources.

  • Impressed of Māori representation and considerations. Supporting democratic process of the TTPP.

    West Coast Regional Council employees are professional, worthy of respect and WCRC paid attendance at Professional Conferences. Support for students paid by West Coast Regional Council.

    Work experience. Establish a new Westport from Alma Road up. Supporting United Councils on critical adaptation issues of climate change.

  • Start treating our residents as Kiwis and stop supporting ethnic representation.

    Representation from vested interested parties to be encouraged and supported on merit.

  • Ensure West Coast Regional Council follow the Local Government Act when consulting the public. "A democratic process" and "listen with an open ear" are key.

    For West Coast Regional Council to formally announce the abandonment of one sector of the community in favour of another without consultation is vile.

    Current West Coast Regional Council proposal to consult with their ratepayers after they secure funding from government is a fatally flawed consultation.

  • Listen to and advocate on concerns raised by the community.

    Advance a procurement policy that is updated on an annual basis.

  • The West Coast in distance is the same as from Wellington to Auckland. We have four councils with a population of 32,000. Consider one council.

    The West Coast has 86% of its land closed to conservation. Consider returning stewardship land back to the councils as rateable land.

    Councils need to recognise and reward the work of volunteers. Fund parades and public events.

  • Support democratic process and public engagement.

    Support councils to be living wage employers.

    Support engagement of tangata whenua and ethnic and marginalised communities.

  • I adhere to the principals of transparency: fairness, integrity, lawfulness and value for money. Engagement with all community sectors is key.

    Employment, safety, health and well-being polices are key to setting the environment to attract and retain skilled and capable employees.

    The future of local government needs to be a key focus. We must maintain the right to govern and manage the region's resources.

  • Impressed of Māori representation and considerations. Supporting democratic process of the TTPP.

    West Coast Regional Council employees are professional, worthy of respect and WCRC paid attendance at Professional Conferences. Support for students paid by West Coast Regional Council.

    Work experience. Establish a new Westport from Alma Road up. Supporting United Councils on critical adaptation issues of climate change.

  • Start treating our residents as Kiwis and stop supporting ethnic representation.

    Representation from vested interested parties to be encouraged and supported on merit.

  • Ensure West Coast Regional Council follow the Local Government Act when consulting the public. "A democratic process" and "listen with an open ear" are key.

    For West Coast Regional Council to formally announce the abandonment of one sector of the community in favour of another without consultation is vile.

    Current West Coast Regional Council proposal to consult with their ratepayers after they secure funding from government is a fatally flawed consultation.