Local councils are responsible for land use planning under the Resource Management Act, which affects where and how new houses are constructed, as well as the design of cities and towns. In some areas, councils also provide housing to those who need it most.
Local councils are responsible for land use planning under the Resource Management Act, which affects where and how new houses are constructed, as well as the design of cities and towns. In some areas, councils also provide housing to those who need it most.
Focus resources to repair, upgrade and refurbish/replace, for free, all sub-standard housing. Prioritising the homes of the most vulnerable.
Examine/consult on the advantages of adopting a resource based economy. Prioritising human/ecological wellbeing/sustainability over profit.
Listening to the needs and ambitions of all sectors of our society. Prioritising mental, physical and community health and quality of life.
We need to create a plan where our zoning is now and where needs to be going forward to give clear direction and allow external investment.
The building consents process needs to be a two way street with a "how can we help" attitude without compromising compliance.
We need to continue the good work our CCOs are doing around pensioner housing and look at ways of keeping our older community in Westland.
Overhaul our resource management and planning functions to encourage investment and fast-track medium-density and elderly housing.
Increase Elderly Housing stock by 10 units per year for the next three years at no cost to ratepayers.
Streamline building functions to provide more efficient customer service and the timely processing of consents and resolution of issues.
Engage with communities on appropriate use of council owned land available for development, including housing and recreational spaces.
Implement a Westland District Footpath Renewals/Installation policy inclusive of safety and access considerations for all users.
Initiate the formation of a West Coast Building Consent Authority to reduce audit costs, and increase accessibility to technical staff.
Rates to be abolished. People are being rated off their land. There is enough tax generated from central government.
Encourage small business. Promote our possum and wild game as organic meat, and biodegradable fur, skins etc.
Abolish rates and rent will go down and become affordable. Building consents to be organised by the property owners privately.
Focus resources to repair, upgrade and refurbish/replace, for free, all sub-standard housing. Prioritising the homes of the most vulnerable.
Examine/consult on the advantages of adopting a resource based economy. Prioritising human/ecological wellbeing/sustainability over profit.
Listening to the needs and ambitions of all sectors of our society. Prioritising mental, physical and community health and quality of life.
We need to create a plan where our zoning is now and where needs to be going forward to give clear direction and allow external investment.
The building consents process needs to be a two way street with a "how can we help" attitude without compromising compliance.
We need to continue the good work our CCOs are doing around pensioner housing and look at ways of keeping our older community in Westland.
Overhaul our resource management and planning functions to encourage investment and fast-track medium-density and elderly housing.
Increase Elderly Housing stock by 10 units per year for the next three years at no cost to ratepayers.
Streamline building functions to provide more efficient customer service and the timely processing of consents and resolution of issues.
Engage with communities on appropriate use of council owned land available for development, including housing and recreational spaces.
Implement a Westland District Footpath Renewals/Installation policy inclusive of safety and access considerations for all users.
Initiate the formation of a West Coast Building Consent Authority to reduce audit costs, and increase accessibility to technical staff.
Rates to be abolished. People are being rated off their land. There is enough tax generated from central government.
Encourage small business. Promote our possum and wild game as organic meat, and biodegradable fur, skins etc.
Abolish rates and rent will go down and become affordable. Building consents to be organised by the property owners privately.
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