Green Party
| Not currently in parliament
Green Party
| Not currently in parliament
I am running for parliament with the Green Party because I value community solidarity. The decisions made in Wellington may seem abstract, but they affect the daily lives of all of us: new pathways to residency kept families together and our communities strong, yet the government's lack of leadership has seen the majority struggle so a few at the top can become even wealthier. It is time for a grounded community-led approach to politics.
My kaupapa has always been grounded within the community, which is why I have been able to be part of so many positive solutions. As a Sri Lankan tangata tiriti, I have successfully advocated for policy in government, co-developed it in the Green Party's policy committee, and shown the true possibilities of community power when leading recovery after the Auckland floods and standing in solidarity with mana whenua at protests. I'm here for all of us, together.
Not currently in parliament
Mental health support worker
Not previously in parliament
Did not stand
I am running for parliament with the Green Party because I value community solidarity. The decisions made in Wellington may seem abstract, but they affect the daily lives of all of us: new pathways to residency kept families together and our communities strong, yet the government's lack of leadership has seen the majority struggle so a few at the top can become even wealthier. It is time for a grounded community-led approach to politics.
My kaupapa has always been grounded within the community, which is why I have been able to be part of so many positive solutions. As a Sri Lankan tangata tiriti, I have successfully advocated for policy in government, co-developed it in the Green Party's policy committee, and shown the true possibilities of community power when leading recovery after the Auckland floods and standing in solidarity with mana whenua at protests. I'm here for all of us, together.
Not currently in parliament
Mental health support worker
Not previously in parliament
Did not stand
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