Green Party
| Not currently in parliament
Green Party
| Not currently in parliament
We can cut climate pollution at the pace required to protect our future, protect nature and ensure everyone has a safe, affordable home and enough to live a good life. Only the Green Party has a plan to make this happen. My deep concerns about climate change and the inequalities faced by many New Zealanders are balanced by optimism that with the political will we can achieve a fairer, greener, safer world for all.
My work as senior manager, management consultant and member of many boards has taught me the importance of leadership, including in politics, that is fair, astute, values-based, well-informed, compassionate, hard-working and adaptable, and I believe I possess all those qualities. I have a profound understanding, from my work and personal life, of the effects of disadvantage and discrimination, and am passionately committed to countering them. I favour collaborative, inclusive decision-making.
Not currently in parliament
Senior manager
Havelock North
Not previously in parliament
Did not stand
We can cut climate pollution at the pace required to protect our future, protect nature and ensure everyone has a safe, affordable home and enough to live a good life. Only the Green Party has a plan to make this happen. My deep concerns about climate change and the inequalities faced by many New Zealanders are balanced by optimism that with the political will we can achieve a fairer, greener, safer world for all.
My work as senior manager, management consultant and member of many boards has taught me the importance of leadership, including in politics, that is fair, astute, values-based, well-informed, compassionate, hard-working and adaptable, and I believe I possess all those qualities. I have a profound understanding, from my work and personal life, of the effects of disadvantage and discrimination, and am passionately committed to countering them. I favour collaborative, inclusive decision-making.
Not currently in parliament
Senior manager
Havelock North
Not previously in parliament
Did not stand
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