Green Party
| Not currently in parliament
Green Party
| Not currently in parliament
I'm running for election because I firmly believe in the potential of Aotearoa to lead the way towards a sustainable and equitable future. Our nation's unique beauty and resources are worth preserving for generations to come. As a candidate for the Green Party of Aotearoa, I'm driven by ecological wisdom and social responsibility principles. I envision an Aotearoa that not only thrives economically but also nurtures its environment and takes care of all its people.
I am confident that I will be an effective elected representative due to my strong commitment to social justice and the environment. My passion for these issues drives me to work tirelessly in advocating for equitable policies and sustainable practices. Additionally, my dedication to our community's well-being and my deep understanding of these matters make me a strong candidate. I'm ready to bring my energy and principles to serve as a voice for positive change.
Not currently in parliament
Youth worker/student
Palmerston North
Not previously in parliament
Did not stand
I'm running for election because I firmly believe in the potential of Aotearoa to lead the way towards a sustainable and equitable future. Our nation's unique beauty and resources are worth preserving for generations to come. As a candidate for the Green Party of Aotearoa, I'm driven by ecological wisdom and social responsibility principles. I envision an Aotearoa that not only thrives economically but also nurtures its environment and takes care of all its people.
I am confident that I will be an effective elected representative due to my strong commitment to social justice and the environment. My passion for these issues drives me to work tirelessly in advocating for equitable policies and sustainable practices. Additionally, my dedication to our community's well-being and my deep understanding of these matters make me a strong candidate. I'm ready to bring my energy and principles to serve as a voice for positive change.
Not currently in parliament
Youth worker/student
Palmerston North
Not previously in parliament
Did not stand
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Each part of the country is represented in Parliament by an electorate MP. We've asked every candidate about their priorities for your community and why they deserve your vote.