Green Party
| Not currently in parliament
Green Party
| Not currently in parliament
Bold advocacy for equity and fairness and are deeply held beliefs in my life. As a husband and father with a young family, I want to fight for a world that's fair, sustainable and just. The election provides an opportunity to do that on behalf of my family and for the community that I have lived in, all my life. O le ala ile pule is our traditional approach to service and leadership.
With a background in tertiary education, local government, youth development, and consulting, I bring a vast set of skills and knowledge to the team. Most recently as the Auckland Councillor for Manukau representing a youthful, ethnically diverse and socio-economically disadvantaged community, I have lived experience of the challenges many whānau are facing today. I've led changes in the way community engagement is undertaken to reach diverse groups and thoroughly enjoy connecting with people.
Not currently in parliament
Auckland Councillor
Otahuhu, South Auckland
Not previously in parliament
Did not stand
Bold advocacy for equity and fairness and are deeply held beliefs in my life. As a husband and father with a young family, I want to fight for a world that's fair, sustainable and just. The election provides an opportunity to do that on behalf of my family and for the community that I have lived in, all my life. O le ala ile pule is our traditional approach to service and leadership.
With a background in tertiary education, local government, youth development, and consulting, I bring a vast set of skills and knowledge to the team. Most recently as the Auckland Councillor for Manukau representing a youthful, ethnically diverse and socio-economically disadvantaged community, I have lived experience of the challenges many whānau are facing today. I've led changes in the way community engagement is undertaken to reach diverse groups and thoroughly enjoy connecting with people.
Not currently in parliament
Auckland Councillor
Otahuhu, South Auckland
Not previously in parliament
Did not stand
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