New Zealand Loyal
| Not currently in parliament
New Zealand Loyal
| Not currently in parliament
The last six years the familiar parties have failed to consult, listen and even erode the freedoms that our veterans have been dying to defend, I've watched this country be divided by racial and gender ideology masking theft and selling our country whilst jobs go overseas our people are without housing and food, farmers and small businesses tied up with regulation and taxes. After winning the war, its time to help Kiwis win the peace.
I have vast experience working for government entities bringing concepts to reality, I've worked with private and public companies to increase profits whilst protecting workers, I understand how to streamline bureaucracy and have worked with regulators to produce positive results for all parties, I have helped to reduce liability and therefore reduce insurance costs and worked with the banking sector to repay loans, all done by engaging with stakeholders to achieve world changing outcomes.
Not currently in parliament
Not previously in parliament
Did not stand
The last six years the familiar parties have failed to consult, listen and even erode the freedoms that our veterans have been dying to defend, I've watched this country be divided by racial and gender ideology masking theft and selling our country whilst jobs go overseas our people are without housing and food, farmers and small businesses tied up with regulation and taxes. After winning the war, its time to help Kiwis win the peace.
I have vast experience working for government entities bringing concepts to reality, I've worked with private and public companies to increase profits whilst protecting workers, I understand how to streamline bureaucracy and have worked with regulators to produce positive results for all parties, I have helped to reduce liability and therefore reduce insurance costs and worked with the banking sector to repay loans, all done by engaging with stakeholders to achieve world changing outcomes.
Not currently in parliament
Not previously in parliament
Did not stand
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