Climate change poses a huge challenge for communities as more frequent extreme weather events require us to rethink how we live and where. Local authorities are at the forefront of efforts to respond, with responsibilities for environmental planning and regulation, as well as civil defence. Many councils have plans to reduce emissions in their area and are working to help their communities adapt to a warming world.
Climate change poses a huge challenge for communities as more frequent extreme weather events require us to rethink how we live and where. Local authorities are at the forefront of efforts to respond, with responsibilities for environmental planning and regulation, as well as civil defence. Many councils have plans to reduce emissions in their area and are working to help their communities adapt to a warming world.
Support ongoing adaptation for future climate challenges.
Lobby for climate policies which are based on empirical evidence rather than alarmist modelling.
Work with communities to identify key risks and develop and implement strategies to address them.
Support our regional civil defence and emergency management services to prepare for and manage events that threaten our resilience.
Reduce council's contribution to greenhouse gases.
Adapting to climate change in consultation with all stakeholders so a balanced approach can be finalised.
Invest in renewable energy, switch to sustainable transport.
Propagate responsible farming. Restore nature to absorb more carbon.
Maintain and improve council's flood protection infrastructure, including maintaining the stopbanks of Kaipara's 29 land drainage districts.
Promote the reduction of household and business waste to landfill by improving recycling services, and fostering a 'small bin' culture.
Transport networks are considered for all transport modes and levels of mobility: Footpaths and roads are safe; walking and cycling is accessible.
Support ongoing adaptation for future climate challenges.
Lobby for climate policies which are based on empirical evidence rather than alarmist modelling.
Work with communities to identify key risks and develop and implement strategies to address them.
Support our regional civil defence and emergency management services to prepare for and manage events that threaten our resilience.
Reduce council's contribution to greenhouse gases.
Adapting to climate change in consultation with all stakeholders so a balanced approach can be finalised.
Invest in renewable energy, switch to sustainable transport.
Propagate responsible farming. Restore nature to absorb more carbon.
Maintain and improve council's flood protection infrastructure, including maintaining the stopbanks of Kaipara's 29 land drainage districts.
Promote the reduction of household and business waste to landfill by improving recycling services, and fostering a 'small bin' culture.
Transport networks are considered for all transport modes and levels of mobility: Footpaths and roads are safe; walking and cycling is accessible.
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