Manawatū District Council

Feilding General Ward
The Manawatū District Council provides local services and facilities, such as public transport, rubbish and recycling, libraries, parks, and recreation facilities. It also makes decisions about building and planning, local regulations, and infrastructure, such as water supply and sewerage. The council is made up of 11 councillors and the mayor. Councillors are elected to represent wards (areas in the district). Five councillors will be elected from the Feilding ward. This is a first past the post (FPP) election, so you vote by ticking the name of your preferred candidate on your ballot paper. Compare the candidates and their policies to decide who to vote for in the Manawatū District Council election.

Local democracy

Local government is a foundational part of our democracy. But local democracy isn’t just about holding elections every three years – it’s about the day-to-day ways people have their say in the decisions that affect us all.

Local democracy

Local government is a foundational part of our democracy. But local democracy isn’t just about holding elections every three years – it’s about the day-to-day ways people have their say in the decisions that affect us all.

  • Encourage public engagement and feedback on council decision making.

    Engage with the community on different water reforms.

    Following proper tikanga and engagement with local iwi and hapū on council issues.

  • Insist on plan to identify savings and efficiencies for ratepayers. Staff satisfaction rating is good, but staff being poached by Government.

    Strongly believe in local decision making, local accountability and local democracy. Work with iwi for benefit of Manawatū District.

    Will continue to oppose centralisation of services such as Three Waters, district planning, roading etc.

  • Encourage public engagement and feedback on council decision making.

    Engage with the community on different water reforms.

    Following proper tikanga and engagement with local iwi and hapū on council issues.

  • Insist on plan to identify savings and efficiencies for ratepayers. Staff satisfaction rating is good, but staff being poached by Government.

    Strongly believe in local decision making, local accountability and local democracy. Work with iwi for benefit of Manawatū District.

    Will continue to oppose centralisation of services such as Three Waters, district planning, roading etc.