Marlborough District Council

Marlborough Sounds General Ward
The Marlborough District Council provides local services and facilities, such as public transport, rubbish and recycling, libraries, parks, and recreation facilities. It also passes local regulations and makes decisions about infrastructure, such as water supply and sewerage, and about the region’s resources, including water, soil and the coastline. The council is made up of 14 councillors and the mayor. Councillors are elected to represent wards (areas in the district). Three councillors will be elected from the Marlborough Sounds ward. This is a single transferable vote (STV) election, so you vote by ranking the candidates on your ballot paper. Compare the candidates and their policies to decide who to vote for in the Marlborough District Council election.


Helping communities get from A to B is a key responsibility of local government, from making sure the buses run on time to providing car parking and walking and cycling paths. Whether public transport is the responsibility of the regional or local council depends on where you are in the country. Local councils also own 87% of New Zealand’s roads.


Helping communities get from A to B is a key responsibility of local government, from making sure the buses run on time to providing car parking and walking and cycling paths. Whether public transport is the responsibility of the regional or local council depends on where you are in the country. Local councils also own 87% of New Zealand’s roads.

  • Prioritise roading infrastructure as it benefits all ratepayers. Access is everything.

    Ensure regular inspection and maintenance of key transport infrastructure such as bridges, culvert pipes and fluming.

  • Encourage and facilitate the upgrade and construction of high-quality bike and cycle pathways as well as safe cycle lanes in our towns.

    Retain as much public transport as is possible under current budgets and consider new and innovative options.

    Advocate for safer roads and for more regular maintenance on our highways.

  • Aim to increase public transport options between regional towns, reducing carbon emissions and improving regional connectivity.

    Improve harbour navigational channels promoting safety for all users, especially given possible future restricted road access to bays.

    Lobby Waka Kotahi to improve regional road safety including passing areas for State Highway 6 and upgrades to State Highway 1 between Picton-Blenheim.

  • Ensure the environmental effects of all transportation is very carefully assessed. Best transport has the least negative effect.

    Ensure provision of infrastructure for more public transport, more walking and cycling. Phase out petrol-driven vehicles.

    Ensure effective maintenance of existing infrastructure – roads, railways, ferries.

  • Share bikes and e-scooters will not be encouraged. They are a resource-heavy commodity.

  • Prioritise roading infrastructure as it benefits all ratepayers. Access is everything.

    Ensure regular inspection and maintenance of key transport infrastructure such as bridges, culvert pipes and fluming.

  • Encourage and facilitate the upgrade and construction of high-quality bike and cycle pathways as well as safe cycle lanes in our towns.

    Retain as much public transport as is possible under current budgets and consider new and innovative options.

    Advocate for safer roads and for more regular maintenance on our highways.

  • Aim to increase public transport options between regional towns, reducing carbon emissions and improving regional connectivity.

    Improve harbour navigational channels promoting safety for all users, especially given possible future restricted road access to bays.

    Lobby Waka Kotahi to improve regional road safety including passing areas for State Highway 6 and upgrades to State Highway 1 between Picton-Blenheim.

  • Ensure the environmental effects of all transportation is very carefully assessed. Best transport has the least negative effect.

    Ensure provision of infrastructure for more public transport, more walking and cycling. Phase out petrol-driven vehicles.

    Ensure effective maintenance of existing infrastructure – roads, railways, ferries.

  • Share bikes and e-scooters will not be encouraged. They are a resource-heavy commodity.