Protecting the environment and managing natural resources is a key responsibility of regional councils. Regional councils are often also involved in pest control and resource management.
Protecting the environment and managing natural resources is a key responsibility of regional councils. Regional councils are often also involved in pest control and resource management.
Reforest Taranaki by implementing a stock reduction plan and retiring more pasture every year to re-wild the region.
Protect all wetlands across the region with no stock able to access swamps.
Expand the pest management programme.
Encourage better green waste recycling to compost level, province wide.
Commit Council to investigate fully many central government policies that are endangering the future of our urban and farming communities.
Commit Council to investigate the recent chemtrail (cloud seeding?) activities in our skies. Of great concern to many people NZ wide.
Include feral cats in pest management plans.
Ensure that locally sourced plants are used in riparian plans.
Make it easier and practical for farming communities to reduce and recycle waste.
Reforest Taranaki by implementing a stock reduction plan and retiring more pasture every year to re-wild the region.
Protect all wetlands across the region with no stock able to access swamps.
Expand the pest management programme.
Encourage better green waste recycling to compost level, province wide.
Commit Council to investigate fully many central government policies that are endangering the future of our urban and farming communities.
Commit Council to investigate the recent chemtrail (cloud seeding?) activities in our skies. Of great concern to many people NZ wide.
Include feral cats in pest management plans.
Ensure that locally sourced plants are used in riparian plans.
Make it easier and practical for farming communities to reduce and recycle waste.
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