Climate change poses a huge challenge for communities as more frequent extreme weather events require us to rethink how we live and where. Local authorities are at the forefront of efforts to respond, with responsibilities for environmental planning and regulation, as well as civil defence. Many councils have plans to reduce emissions in their area and are working to help their communities adapt to a warming world.
Climate change poses a huge challenge for communities as more frequent extreme weather events require us to rethink how we live and where. Local authorities are at the forefront of efforts to respond, with responsibilities for environmental planning and regulation, as well as civil defence. Many councils have plans to reduce emissions in their area and are working to help their communities adapt to a warming world.
Plan for climate safe infrastructure, green transport, green waste disposal, zoning changes.
Partner with volunteer groups, business groups and iwi in climate-positive projects and initiatives.
Introduce policy that encourages local people and business to implement green initiatives, through rates, rebates and subsidies.
Investigate the establishment of electric light rail from Atawhai to Wakefield, using GPS technology.
Ensure that development fully considers possible impacts of natural events such as earthquakes.
Modify civil defence powers to work more collaboratively with property owners in times of crisis.
Evaluate the effectiveness of the Warmer Houses initiative.
Evaluate the effectiveness of the current quantity and location of EV charging stations.
Evaluate the effectiveness of the Streets for People trial and the Neighbourhood Greenways trial
Ensure Tasman District Council meets its commitments for net council emissions of greenhouse gases of zero by 2050.
Ensure that all decisions made by the Tasman District Council have a full analysis undertaken on the impacts of the decision on the Tasman Climate Action Plan.
Support all transport related policies and plans that lead to a reduction in emissions.
Continue to work with stakeholders, to implement recommendations from Tasman Climate Change Action Plan.
Ensure climate change initiatives are included in the Tasman District Council Spatial Plan.
Lead by example and ensure Tasman District Council meets its own climate change emissions targets.
Plan for climate safe infrastructure, green transport, green waste disposal, zoning changes.
Partner with volunteer groups, business groups and iwi in climate-positive projects and initiatives.
Introduce policy that encourages local people and business to implement green initiatives, through rates, rebates and subsidies.
Investigate the establishment of electric light rail from Atawhai to Wakefield, using GPS technology.
Ensure that development fully considers possible impacts of natural events such as earthquakes.
Modify civil defence powers to work more collaboratively with property owners in times of crisis.
Evaluate the effectiveness of the Warmer Houses initiative.
Evaluate the effectiveness of the current quantity and location of EV charging stations.
Evaluate the effectiveness of the Streets for People trial and the Neighbourhood Greenways trial
Ensure Tasman District Council meets its commitments for net council emissions of greenhouse gases of zero by 2050.
Ensure that all decisions made by the Tasman District Council have a full analysis undertaken on the impacts of the decision on the Tasman Climate Action Plan.
Support all transport related policies and plans that lead to a reduction in emissions.
Continue to work with stakeholders, to implement recommendations from Tasman Climate Change Action Plan.
Ensure climate change initiatives are included in the Tasman District Council Spatial Plan.
Lead by example and ensure Tasman District Council meets its own climate change emissions targets.
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