I believe Waihi Beach is an awesome place to live and play, and want to give back to the community that our family has lived in for twenty years.
As a business owner, Event Manager and Celebrant, with a background and understanding in roading and infrastructure, tourism, events, and exhibitions, I know how these can benefit a community through employment, improved infrastructure, facilities, transport links, and also build a sustainable long-term economic environment for future generations. I know how to read an agenda, business plan and track progress within an organisation.
Business Owner
Waihi Beach
No response
I believe Waihi Beach is an awesome place to live and play, and want to give back to the community that our family has lived in for twenty years.
As a business owner, Event Manager and Celebrant, with a background and understanding in roading and infrastructure, tourism, events, and exhibitions, I know how these can benefit a community through employment, improved infrastructure, facilities, transport links, and also build a sustainable long-term economic environment for future generations. I know how to read an agenda, business plan and track progress within an organisation.
Business Owner
Waihi Beach
No response
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