Waikato Regional Council

Waipā-King Country General Constituency
The Waikato Regional Council makes decisions about managing resources in the region, such as air, water, soil and the coastline. It also carries out plant and pest control, helps prepare for natural disasters, and is involved in regional transport. The council is made up of 14 councillors. Councillors are elected to represent constituencies (areas in the region). Two councillors will be elected from the Waipā-King Country constituency. This is a first past the post (FPP) election, so you vote by ticking the name of your preferred candidate on your ballot paper. Compare the candidates and their policies to decide who to vote for in the Waikato Regional Council election.

Jobs and economy

Many councils help support local business and economic development. Some promote tourism in their area, or provide business support services and grants.

Jobs and economy

Many councils help support local business and economic development. Some promote tourism in their area, or provide business support services and grants.

  • Advocate for a more realistic contribution from central government to manage and maintain our regional flood protection infrastructure.

    Ensure that where possible, council's work programmes are supporting local businesses, and providing job opportunities for Waikato people.

    Maintain strong relationships with government to ensure Waikato projects are seen as a good investment for government funding support.

  • Ensure sound workable decisions on water, land use and economic growth as the prosperity and well-being of our communities depends on council.

  • Advocate against council's funding of central government's big ticket responsibilities. I support local money going to core local projects.

    Regional council's job is to manage water, air and land. That's what I support.

  • Work closely with our Regional Development Agency, Te Waka, and the and district councils to facilitate business growth and youth employment.

    Ensure Waipā's needs in roading infrastructure, which is a key enabler for the economy, are promoted in the Regional Land Transport Plan.

    Influence and encourage Waka Kotahi to provide greater maintenance provision for Waipā - King Country roading network.

  • Advocate for a more realistic contribution from central government to manage and maintain our regional flood protection infrastructure.

    Ensure that where possible, council's work programmes are supporting local businesses, and providing job opportunities for Waikato people.

    Maintain strong relationships with government to ensure Waikato projects are seen as a good investment for government funding support.

  • Ensure sound workable decisions on water, land use and economic growth as the prosperity and well-being of our communities depends on council.

  • Advocate against council's funding of central government's big ticket responsibilities. I support local money going to core local projects.

    Regional council's job is to manage water, air and land. That's what I support.

  • Work closely with our Regional Development Agency, Te Waka, and the and district councils to facilitate business growth and youth employment.

    Ensure Waipā's needs in roading infrastructure, which is a key enabler for the economy, are promoted in the Regional Land Transport Plan.

    Influence and encourage Waka Kotahi to provide greater maintenance provision for Waipā - King Country roading network.