Mayor of Wellington

The mayor is the leader of the council. Their job is to promote a vision for the city and lead the development of the council’s plans, policies and budget. The mayor appoints the deputy mayor, establishes committees for particular topics, and appoints chairs for those committees. This is a single transferable vote (STV) election, so you vote by ranking the candidates on your ballot paper. Compare the candidates and their policies to decide who to vote for in the Wellington City Council mayoral election.

Housing and planning

Local councils are responsible for land use planning under the Resource Management Act, which affects where and how new houses are constructed, as well as the design of cities and towns. In some areas, councils also provide housing to those who need it most.

Housing and planning

Local councils are responsible for land use planning under the Resource Management Act, which affects where and how new houses are constructed, as well as the design of cities and towns. In some areas, councils also provide housing to those who need it most.

  • Facilitate faster building consent procedures. Increase land availability with higher zone densities within inner/outer residential zones.

    Incentivise innovative urban design in the CBD (eg, installation of green roofs, natural heating/insulation, internal planted spaces).

    Facilitate new construction techniques (eg 3D printing) to improve quality, strength and affordability of council and private sector housing.

  • Support Healthy Homes standards with council action so renters have quality; plans include quality like sunlight, green space, privacy.

    Use demonstration projects of well built, accessible developments to show how old and new complement each other to build quality urban space.

    Bring all council housing up to a good affordable standard, increase supply of quality accessible public housing to support diverse needs.

  • I've got government approval for a Urban Development Agency to build lots of homes in targeted areas. We're working on details with Kāinga Ora to be set up next year.

    Council housing – I got government support for community housing provider. We're now setting it up. Means we can build new social housing and new tenants get income related rent subsidy.

    Keep supporting DCM, City Mission etc to work with homeless, and get people into good housing. City Mission opened Te Pa Pori, building Whakamaru housing.

  • Develop neighbourhood plans to ensure a long-term joined-up vision and place-based partnership approach to underpin city investment decisions

    Establish a City Development Authority to lead master planning and build new homes and neighbourhoods.

    Build new homes so all Wellingtonians the homeless, workers, renters, new home owners and older people have choice and affordability.

  • Partner with Kāinga Ora on housing redevelopments for more warm dry affordable and accessible homes.

    Deliver quality, affordable housing together with light rail through an urban revitalisation corridor from the waterfront to the hospital.

    Introduce development bonuses through the District Plan to incentivise better housing and unlock more development capacity.

  • Examine why obtaining resource consent is such a long process! I had to wait a year to have a resource consent processed!

    Open up more land for housing as small wooden houses are the most affordable to build and maintain more than concrete and steel apartments.

    Transfer WCC social housing to a Community Housing Provider system so the tenants can claim government subsidies.

  • Commit to making more land available for housing.

    Give preference to zoning for housing above monoculture forestry.

    Give high priority to durability and earthquake resistance when defining building codes.

  • Facilitate faster building consent procedures. Increase land availability with higher zone densities within inner/outer residential zones.

    Incentivise innovative urban design in the CBD (eg, installation of green roofs, natural heating/insulation, internal planted spaces).

    Facilitate new construction techniques (eg 3D printing) to improve quality, strength and affordability of council and private sector housing.

  • Support Healthy Homes standards with council action so renters have quality; plans include quality like sunlight, green space, privacy.

    Use demonstration projects of well built, accessible developments to show how old and new complement each other to build quality urban space.

    Bring all council housing up to a good affordable standard, increase supply of quality accessible public housing to support diverse needs.

  • I've got government approval for a Urban Development Agency to build lots of homes in targeted areas. We're working on details with Kāinga Ora to be set up next year.

    Council housing – I got government support for community housing provider. We're now setting it up. Means we can build new social housing and new tenants get income related rent subsidy.

    Keep supporting DCM, City Mission etc to work with homeless, and get people into good housing. City Mission opened Te Pa Pori, building Whakamaru housing.

  • Develop neighbourhood plans to ensure a long-term joined-up vision and place-based partnership approach to underpin city investment decisions

    Establish a City Development Authority to lead master planning and build new homes and neighbourhoods.

    Build new homes so all Wellingtonians the homeless, workers, renters, new home owners and older people have choice and affordability.

  • Partner with Kāinga Ora on housing redevelopments for more warm dry affordable and accessible homes.

    Deliver quality, affordable housing together with light rail through an urban revitalisation corridor from the waterfront to the hospital.

    Introduce development bonuses through the District Plan to incentivise better housing and unlock more development capacity.

  • Examine why obtaining resource consent is such a long process! I had to wait a year to have a resource consent processed!

    Open up more land for housing as small wooden houses are the most affordable to build and maintain more than concrete and steel apartments.

    Transfer WCC social housing to a Community Housing Provider system so the tenants can claim government subsidies.

  • Commit to making more land available for housing.

    Give preference to zoning for housing above monoculture forestry.

    Give high priority to durability and earthquake resistance when defining building codes.