Mayor of Wellington

The mayor is the leader of the council. Their job is to promote a vision for the city and lead the development of the council’s plans, policies and budget. The mayor appoints the deputy mayor, establishes committees for particular topics, and appoints chairs for those committees. This is a single transferable vote (STV) election, so you vote by ranking the candidates on your ballot paper. Compare the candidates and their policies to decide who to vote for in the Wellington City Council mayoral election.


Helping communities get from A to B is a key responsibility of local government, from making sure the buses run on time to providing car parking and walking and cycling paths. Whether public transport is the responsibility of the regional or local council depends on where you are in the country. Local councils also own 87% of New Zealand’s roads.


Helping communities get from A to B is a key responsibility of local government, from making sure the buses run on time to providing car parking and walking and cycling paths. Whether public transport is the responsibility of the regional or local council depends on where you are in the country. Local councils also own 87% of New Zealand’s roads.

  • Commit to providing the best possible public transport network, with more bus lanes and reduced (or no) fares in offpeak times.

    Stop the cycle network, except where clearly justified. Work to improve cycling safety based on shared roads and driver awareness.

    Require the needs of the elderly, disabled, and mobility challenged to be taken into account in all bus and roading/parking plans.

  • Work with central government and the regional council to accelerate construction of Let's Get Wellington Moving from its current 2028 date.

    Invest in public transport as a priority so Wellingtonians have affordable and reliable public transport.

    Develop Wellington as a city of 15 minute neighbourhoods that integrate a range of transport initiatives and modes.

  • Build on our strengths for a better climate friendly transport system that makes sustainable travel an easy first option..

    Accelerate the bus network plan with more bus lanes, improved accessible bus stops and pleasant bus shelters that are a joy to use.

    Support walking mode shift with clutter free accessible footpaths, better walk connection to school and bus, high value low cost projects.

  • Improve the reliability of public transport! Residents will take this if it's reliable but if buses continue to be cancelled, they won't.

    Ensure adequate parking is available for areas where they're needed such as around the botanical gardens and businesses where people shop.

    Engage in genuine consultation with all parties when cycle lanes are proposed. Improve footpaths and street lighting in suburban streets.

  • Add a lane to the Terrace Tunnel, extend Arras Tunnel to the motorway, build a four lane Mt Vic Tunnel. Remove cycleways in Newtown and Island Bay.

    Consult with Greater Wellington Regional Council to ensure that public transport is size appropriate and efficient. Work with government to provide free services within CBD.

    Expand/upgrade roads where necessary to improve traffic flow for motorists and emergency/service vehicles.

  • Work with government to deliver Mt Vic tunnel, Basin solution, mass transit. Integrate with intensifying housing so more people walk, bike, use public transport.

    Increase walking, biking, public transport, use while ensuring people have transport choice. Plan future bus/ bike network with communities, not do it to them.

    Support Greater Wellington Regional Council to enhance reliability and capacity of bus service (our biggest roles bus priority and shelters), and retain/attract drivers.

  • Make our major bus routes faster and more frequent by adding more bus priority lanes to our roads.

    Accelerate the delivery of a comprehensive connected bike network, focused on safe links to our schools, the CBD, and between our suburbs.

    Advocate for free public transport.

  • Commit to providing the best possible public transport network, with more bus lanes and reduced (or no) fares in offpeak times.

    Stop the cycle network, except where clearly justified. Work to improve cycling safety based on shared roads and driver awareness.

    Require the needs of the elderly, disabled, and mobility challenged to be taken into account in all bus and roading/parking plans.

  • Work with central government and the regional council to accelerate construction of Let's Get Wellington Moving from its current 2028 date.

    Invest in public transport as a priority so Wellingtonians have affordable and reliable public transport.

    Develop Wellington as a city of 15 minute neighbourhoods that integrate a range of transport initiatives and modes.

  • Build on our strengths for a better climate friendly transport system that makes sustainable travel an easy first option..

    Accelerate the bus network plan with more bus lanes, improved accessible bus stops and pleasant bus shelters that are a joy to use.

    Support walking mode shift with clutter free accessible footpaths, better walk connection to school and bus, high value low cost projects.

  • Improve the reliability of public transport! Residents will take this if it's reliable but if buses continue to be cancelled, they won't.

    Ensure adequate parking is available for areas where they're needed such as around the botanical gardens and businesses where people shop.

    Engage in genuine consultation with all parties when cycle lanes are proposed. Improve footpaths and street lighting in suburban streets.

  • Add a lane to the Terrace Tunnel, extend Arras Tunnel to the motorway, build a four lane Mt Vic Tunnel. Remove cycleways in Newtown and Island Bay.

    Consult with Greater Wellington Regional Council to ensure that public transport is size appropriate and efficient. Work with government to provide free services within CBD.

    Expand/upgrade roads where necessary to improve traffic flow for motorists and emergency/service vehicles.

  • Work with government to deliver Mt Vic tunnel, Basin solution, mass transit. Integrate with intensifying housing so more people walk, bike, use public transport.

    Increase walking, biking, public transport, use while ensuring people have transport choice. Plan future bus/ bike network with communities, not do it to them.

    Support Greater Wellington Regional Council to enhance reliability and capacity of bus service (our biggest roles bus priority and shelters), and retain/attract drivers.

  • Make our major bus routes faster and more frequent by adding more bus priority lanes to our roads.

    Accelerate the delivery of a comprehensive connected bike network, focused on safe links to our schools, the CBD, and between our suburbs.

    Advocate for free public transport.