Mahesh Muralidhar
National Party
Guy Slocum
New Nation Party
Paul Davie
Rock the Vote NZ
Oscar Sims
Labour Party
Madeleine Kane
Animal Justice Party
Christopher Coker
Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party
Chlöe Swarbrick
Green Party
Damian Sycamore
The Opportunities Party (TOP)
Felix Poole
ACT Party
Andi Shen Liu
| Not currently in parliament
| Not currently in parliament
I believe that political parties, and the non-STV voting system, leads to a formation of duopoly voting blocs and disappointing low-hanging attempts to capture the 51% in the most conservative way possible. The application of branding logic in parties, biases party recruitment and party policies and funnels them down to meet certain expectations of being on brand with the party colours. Does it have to be either a black cat or a white cat?
Lived experience of city centre problems. In 10+ years in city centre, never once had I felt so let down by non-local decision making as in 2020. Wharf fishing ban while minister mountain-biked, bullet hole in the building's main door, numerous mail thefts including flea powder during a lockdown, naked lady jumping out of moving car, 'keep sending police reports so we can get more support'. I remember, and solve problems with rigour and creativity.
Not currently in parliament
Auckland Central
Not previously in parliament
Did not stand
I believe that political parties, and the non-STV voting system, leads to a formation of duopoly voting blocs and disappointing low-hanging attempts to capture the 51% in the most conservative way possible. The application of branding logic in parties, biases party recruitment and party policies and funnels them down to meet certain expectations of being on brand with the party colours. Does it have to be either a black cat or a white cat?
Lived experience of city centre problems. In 10+ years in city centre, never once had I felt so let down by non-local decision making as in 2020. Wharf fishing ban while minister mountain-biked, bullet hole in the building's main door, numerous mail thefts including flea powder during a lockdown, naked lady jumping out of moving car, 'keep sending police reports so we can get more support'. I remember, and solve problems with rigour and creativity.
Not currently in parliament
Auckland Central
Not previously in parliament
Did not stand
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