Green Party
| Not currently in parliament
Green Party
| Not currently in parliament
It is crunch time for us humans and our future on this planet. I am someone who is all about the fundamentals of life. Clean drinking water, rivers, lakes, oceans we can swim in and gather food from, a climate and soils we can grow food in, and a warm dry home. I want to be a part of building our society around the basics of caring for each other and our environment.
My background is in freshwater ecology, working with schools, iwi, farmers, and community groups on grass-roots environmental restoration projects. I have served two terms in local government (at regional and national levels), and in commissioner roles so I understand how the current system works (or doesn't work) and what needs to change. I am not here to muck around with political inaction. I am ready and determined to drive enduring change for our kids and future generations.
Not currently in parliament
Environmental Advisor
Not previously in parliament
Did not stand
It is crunch time for us humans and our future on this planet. I am someone who is all about the fundamentals of life. Clean drinking water, rivers, lakes, oceans we can swim in and gather food from, a climate and soils we can grow food in, and a warm dry home. I want to be a part of building our society around the basics of caring for each other and our environment.
My background is in freshwater ecology, working with schools, iwi, farmers, and community groups on grass-roots environmental restoration projects. I have served two terms in local government (at regional and national levels), and in commissioner roles so I understand how the current system works (or doesn't work) and what needs to change. I am not here to muck around with political inaction. I am ready and determined to drive enduring change for our kids and future generations.
Not currently in parliament
Environmental Advisor
Not previously in parliament
Did not stand
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