Green Party
| Not currently in parliament
Green Party
| Not currently in parliament
Like all parents, I want to enrich my children's future. I have dedicated my career to environmentalism and I want to use these skills to create actionable change. I am committed to climate action and finding solutions for the cost of living crisis. My strength is in building relationships and working towards a common goal to create better outcomes for our people and our planet. Ka ora te whenua, ka ora te tangata.
I want to ensure the needs of our people and planet are heard loud and clear in Wellington. With strong Green Party representation we will hold the government to account with evidenced based solutions. Let's provide a thriving future for our country.
Not currently in parliament
Public servant
Christchurch Central
Not previously in parliament
Did not stand
Like all parents, I want to enrich my children's future. I have dedicated my career to environmentalism and I want to use these skills to create actionable change. I am committed to climate action and finding solutions for the cost of living crisis. My strength is in building relationships and working towards a common goal to create better outcomes for our people and our planet. Ka ora te whenua, ka ora te tangata.
I want to ensure the needs of our people and planet are heard loud and clear in Wellington. With strong Green Party representation we will hold the government to account with evidenced based solutions. Let's provide a thriving future for our country.
Not currently in parliament
Public servant
Christchurch Central
Not previously in parliament
Did not stand
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