Jim O'Malley
Cyndee Elder
New Conservatives
Michael Woodhouse
National Party
Adrian McDermott
Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party
Rachel Brooking
Labour Party
Steve Lawton
New Zealand Loyal
Pamela Taylor
Francisco Hernandez
Green Party
Tim Newman
ACT Party
Ben Peters
The Opportunities Party (TOP)
Keegan Langeveld
NZ First
Green Party
| Not currently in parliament
Green Party
| Not currently in parliament
I'm running to be a strong voice for Ōtepoti. We need someone who will stand for climate action and against cuts to our uni and polytech and the hospital rebuild. The Greens are the only party that will fundamentally address the broken systems that have neglected our city, our communities and our planet. Vote Green to rebalance wealth and fund accessible, local public services, tax cuts for 97.5% of New Zealanders, free dental, and climate action.
I have a proven track record of strongly advocating for my constituents and delivering change. As OUSA President, I delivered free breakfasts, student bus fare discounts and bought town and gown together through student volunteering projects to clean up our streets. At the Climate Commission, I recommended ambitious waste reduction targets that the government adopted. You can trust me to stand up for Dunedin - for our hospital rebuild, our tertiary sector and for nature.
Not currently in parliament
Principal Climate Advisor
Dunedin Central
Not previously in parliament
Did not stand
I'm running to be a strong voice for Ōtepoti. We need someone who will stand for climate action and against cuts to our uni and polytech and the hospital rebuild. The Greens are the only party that will fundamentally address the broken systems that have neglected our city, our communities and our planet. Vote Green to rebalance wealth and fund accessible, local public services, tax cuts for 97.5% of New Zealanders, free dental, and climate action.
I have a proven track record of strongly advocating for my constituents and delivering change. As OUSA President, I delivered free breakfasts, student bus fare discounts and bought town and gown together through student volunteering projects to clean up our streets. At the Climate Commission, I recommended ambitious waste reduction targets that the government adopted. You can trust me to stand up for Dunedin - for our hospital rebuild, our tertiary sector and for nature.
Not currently in parliament
Principal Climate Advisor
Dunedin Central
Not previously in parliament
Did not stand
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