Green Party
| Not currently in parliament
Green Party
| Not currently in parliament
I am standing because I believe that Aotearoa can once again be at the centre of the global stage when it comes to our commitment to both people and the planet. This election is a climate election, and as a Green Party candidate, I know that we have the solutions. The time is now for us to come together and work towards a better future for all.
I have been the policy co-convenor of the Green Party for the last three years, so I already have a good understanding of the machinery of government. In my work, I am also a staunch activist for international student rights. Alongside my experiences, as one of the few Chinese candidates in this election, I have deep connections within the Chinese community, and I look forward to representing them in parliament.
Not currently in parliament
Educator, activist, student
Mt Wellington
Not previously in parliament
3rd in Pakuranga
I am standing because I believe that Aotearoa can once again be at the centre of the global stage when it comes to our commitment to both people and the planet. This election is a climate election, and as a Green Party candidate, I know that we have the solutions. The time is now for us to come together and work towards a better future for all.
I have been the policy co-convenor of the Green Party for the last three years, so I already have a good understanding of the machinery of government. In my work, I am also a staunch activist for international student rights. Alongside my experiences, as one of the few Chinese candidates in this election, I have deep connections within the Chinese community, and I look forward to representing them in parliament.
Not currently in parliament
Educator, activist, student
Mt Wellington
Not previously in parliament
3rd in Pakuranga
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