Green Party
| List MP
Green Party
| List MP
I believe everyone in Aotearoa deserves to have what they need to live a good life, a warm dry home, accessible transport, healthcare that includes dental, and that we can achieve this whilst mitigating and protecting against the impacts of climate crisis. The time is now to act for equality and for nature.
Kelston was the first place that my family and I made our home after we arrived in Aotearoa as refugees from Iran. We found peace and safety here among the diverse community of other migrants, refugees, Pasifika, and tangata whenua communities. I know the strength and the challenge of West Aucklanders coping with the impacts of climate crisis and inequality and have a passion for fixing the systems holding our people back.
List MP
Grey Lynn, Auckland
3rd in Mt Roskill
I believe everyone in Aotearoa deserves to have what they need to live a good life, a warm dry home, accessible transport, healthcare that includes dental, and that we can achieve this whilst mitigating and protecting against the impacts of climate crisis. The time is now to act for equality and for nature.
Kelston was the first place that my family and I made our home after we arrived in Aotearoa as refugees from Iran. We found peace and safety here among the diverse community of other migrants, refugees, Pasifika, and tangata whenua communities. I know the strength and the challenge of West Aucklanders coping with the impacts of climate crisis and inequality and have a passion for fixing the systems holding our people back.
List MP
Grey Lynn, Auckland
3rd in Mt Roskill
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