Kelston electorate

Kelston covers the west Auckland suburbs of Avondale, Glen Eden, Rosebank, Sunnyvale and Waterview. The seat is currently held by Labour's Carmel Sepuloni, who won safely with a margin of 15,660. In 2020, Labour won the greatest share of party votes in Kelston – 62% to National's 17%. Almost half of people in Kelston identify as either Pasifika (24%) or Asian (22%). The electorate was created in 2014 when the Waitakere electorate was abolished and split into two new electorates, Kelston and Upper Harbour.

Alister Hood

New Conservatives

| Not currently in parliament

Alister Hood

New Conservatives

| Not currently in parliament

Why I'm standing

I want to bring back common sense and family values. I want my daughters to grow up in a country where: the justice system works so they can feel safe walking the streets; the school system works instead of failing so many; where regulations encourage businesses to succeed and grow, rather than putting up barriers and drowning them in red tape; and where government works, instead of finding more and more ways to waste money.

About me

As an engineer I am driven to solve problems and fix anything broken, and as a Christian, my heart compels me to help others.

My priorities
  1. Reform income tax system. $2500 tax cut for everyone, with income splitting, plus $5000 per child.
  2. Work to limit the power and reduce the size of government, which has doubled in the last decade.
  3. Promote localism (decision making by the people who are affected) – centralisation does not work.
Candidate list rank


Current role

Not currently in parliament

Before politics

Civil engineer





Year entered parliament

Not previously in parliament

2020 result

5th in Mt Roskill

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Why I'm standing

I want to bring back common sense and family values. I want my daughters to grow up in a country where: the justice system works so they can feel safe walking the streets; the school system works instead of failing so many; where regulations encourage businesses to succeed and grow, rather than putting up barriers and drowning them in red tape; and where government works, instead of finding more and more ways to waste money.

About me

As an engineer I am driven to solve problems and fix anything broken, and as a Christian, my heart compels me to help others.

My priorities
  1. Reform income tax system. $2500 tax cut for everyone, with income splitting, plus $5000 per child.
  2. Work to limit the power and reduce the size of government, which has doubled in the last decade.
  3. Promote localism (decision making by the people who are affected) – centralisation does not work.
Candidate list rank


Current role

Not currently in parliament

Before politics

Civil engineer





Year entered parliament

Not previously in parliament

2020 result

5th in Mt Roskill

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